The Insider’s Guide to Nail Hygiene

The Insider’s Guide to Nail Hygiene

14-06-2017   |   Posted By: Shagun Parasher   |   4077 View(s)

Good Hygiene is essential. It’s crucial to maintain personal hygiene so as to stay fit and healthy. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), “Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases. When we talk about hygiene, we cannot skip talking about personal hygiene. You can maintain your hygiene by regularly taking a bath, flossing your teeth, cutting your nails, washing your hands regularly before and after meals, etc. A person who maintains good hygiene is often looked upon with respect. Maintaining good hygiene involves maintaining the cleanliness of hair, skin, mouth, feet, hands, face, armpits and bottom hygiene, menstrual hygiene, cloth hygiene and nail hygiene. Nail hygiene is one of the most important hygiene that should be maintained.


What you need to know about Nails and Nail Hygiene

Nails are made up of keratin (protein layers). They are indicative of our general health. Nails on an average grow 1mm per week unless there are any issues related to diet or medical conditions to prevent their normal growth.

The nails protect our fingers and toes from trauma and help to pick things up. Long fingernails tend to catch and accumulate dust easily. Therefore, they should be cut and filed at regular intervals. While cutting the nails, it should be kept in mind that they are not cut too deep or close to the skin to prevent the injuries and infections of the skin. It is inadvisable to share nail cutters because some diseases, like fungal infections, can be transmitted easily from one person to the other.

Taking care of your nails and maintaining cleanliness is very crucial. Nails are easily noticed by other people, and thus they help them form our image.

How should Nails be Cleaned?

Cleaning nails should be done on a regular basis. They can be maintained by using a simple mild soap, warm water and a nail brush. Keeping nails hydrated is also very important. It can be done by using a moisturising cream and applying it to the nails.

Certain Nail conditions which we all have Experienced but are not aware of properly

We experience a lot of problems related to skin, hair, body, nails, etc. on a day to day basis. We often tend to avoid these, but they shouldn’t be avoided because they may be indicative of various diseases. You might feel that your nails are growing brittle or your skin is loosening from sides, white spots, etc. Let us discuss all these conditions and why do they happen in detail.

Brittle Nails

Brittleness of the nails, means that the nails are easily cracked, chipped, split, or peeled, etc. It may also happen because of the prolonged exposure of nails to chemicals, sunlight and nail polishes. Many diseases are associated with brittle nails. Thin and brittle nails can be a sign of hypothyroidism.To avoid brittle nails wear gloves while washing up with chemicals and applying moisturiser later.

Fungal Infections

Fungi are small microorganisms. They thrive in areas where oxygen supply is limited.The crevices and layers of the nails act as the perfect hosts for fungi to develop. When the nails are attacked by fungi they appear to be discoloured and thick. Immediately, book an appointment with your Pharmacist or GP to seek medical attention.

Loose skin

Loose skin that is present around the sides of nails should be cut or trimmed at regular intervals.

How to prevent Decolouration of your nail ?

White Spots

People believe that the white spots present on the nails are a result of imbalanced diets, but they are because of the trauma to the nails. Trauma such as hitting the nail on something, air bubbles that are trapped inside the nail layers. These do not cause any harm and are better left to grow out.

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How to prevent spreading of germs and nail infections?

Preventing the spreading of germs is essential to maintain our health and nail infections. Some ways are given below to prevent them.
• Keep your nails short and make it a point to trim them regularly.

• Wash your hands with soap and water and don’t forget to scrub your Nails.

• Avoid sharing your nail cutters and Nail filers. Clean them properly if you do.

• Avoid Biting and chewing your Nails to avoid infections.

• Cuticles act as barriers, therefore, avoid cutting them.

Maintaining nail hygiene is a very important part of good hygiene. One should totally take care of their nails to keep various infections and diseases at bay.

Preventive Health Checkup

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