How to Boost Testosterone and Take Bodybuilding to the Next Level?

29-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   4958 View(s)

There is no denying the fact that testosterone is the holy grail of male hormones. It does not matter how much rigorous workout you do at the gym to get lean muscle mass; if you have low testosterone, your efforts will not be fully realised. It is important to have normal levels of testosterone level to build muscle mass. And it is a fact that as you age, your testosterone levels start to drop. Nevertheless, it is not a myth that it is important . Read more...

The Top 4 Fat-Burning Pre-Workout Snacks

28-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   16714 View(s)

Do you find yourself gasping heavily and completely wiped out in the middle of the workout session? If you do, then maybe your pre-workout meal is to blame. What you eat before a workout is equally important to your actual workout. If you hit the gym to lose weight, then it is obvious that you will sweat a lot and lose energy during your session. And hence, you must eat some foods that can fuel up your body to keep you motivated throughout your w. Read more...

The Best Ways to Relieve Muscle Pain after a Gym Workout!

27-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   5684 View(s)

Hitting the gym has become a trend these days.  But there are only a few people who follow this trend religiously to be healthy and fit. Are you also planning to hit the gym regularly and achieve your fitness goals? If you are, then great! But, let me tell you that working out at the gym is not as easy as it looks like. In the beginning, many people feel exhausted and experience intense muscle pain. But, as the adage goes, ‘no pain, no gain’. Read more...

Too Lazy to Hit the Gym? Try These Natural Remedies For Weight Loss

26-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   5806 View(s)

Don’t want to hit the gym to lose weight? Worry not! I am here to help you out! I know many people do not like to hit the gym because let’s accept it- They are not morning people! Everyone does not have the courage to get up early morning every day and hit the gym. So, does it mean they won’t be able to burn fat ever? Well, no, not at all! If you look closely, you will surely find the secret to losing weight right in your kitchen. Surprised. Read more...

Ssshhhh! The Secret to Losing Weight is High Metabolic Rate

25-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   9735 View(s)

We cannot deny the fact that metabolic rate affects our weight. Many people blame their slow metabolism for increased weight. But the question is ‘Does metabolism really affects weight?’Well, Yes, it does! It is true that your metabolism is linked to weight gain. But, that doesn’t mean that excess weight gain is always due to slow metabolism. It is a proven fact that your metabolism affects the basic energy needs of your body, but your w. Read more...

Want to Gain Muscle? Try These Foods for Muscle Growth!

22-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   9650 View(s)

When you are trying to gain muscle mass, it is important that your body gets proper nourishment. Many times, we start putting too much trust on the supplements, that we completely forget that there are other sources too which can help us build muscle. I am talking about foods for muscle growth! It is important to eat a healthy diet to gain muscle mass naturally. [google_add] If you want to build muscle and lose fat, then you need to add a v. Read more...

Got a Crush on Yanita Yancheva? Get a Body Like Her with These Tips!

21-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   5803 View(s)

Yanita Yancheva has become the talk of the town these days. With her inspiring gym pictures and workout videos, she has now become an online sensation with a huge fan following all around the globe. She is a passionate fitness model and fitness trainer who believes that body is the only home you have to live in; so you must nurture it, honour it, love it and respect it. Her fitness tips have inspired a lot of people, and she has become Instacrush. Read more...

Spicy Food for Weight Loss: The Hot way to Burn Fat!

20-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   5779 View(s)

Does everything you eat taste bland because you are on a strict weight loss diet? You must be missing those old golden days when you used to enjoy Pizza, Burgers, Fried Rice; and now you have to eat boiled vegetables because you have to burn fat. But, I am here to make your meals interesting. Don’t worry! I won’t tell you to start eating fried foods; even I want you to look perfect in your slim jeans. But, there is a secret: A simple trick to. Read more...