Whole Fruits Vs Fruit Juice: Are Juices Beneficial?

17-07-2018   |   Posted By: Shagun Parasher  |   5127 View(s)

Whole Fruits Vs Fruit Juice - Have you ever tried to know which one is better for your health? Fruit juice is often perceived as a healthy snack. Why? Because it has the word “Fruit” in it. Have you ever read what’s written on the back side of the packaging of your favourite juice? If we go by popular answers, the majority of them say “NO”. It is a common mistake made by us which leads us into thinking that fresh fruit juices are health. Read more...

How to Use Garlic for Weight Loss?

15-07-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   3543 View(s)

Many of us choose a low-calorie-diet when it comes to losing weight. But we should understand that weight loss is not all about eating less, it’s about eating right. There are several weight loss diet plans that claim to perform miracles in a few weeks, but most of these diets lack nutrients that are essential for the body and can have negative effects on health. So you start dieting today and lose weight in one month, but then you go back to y. Read more...

Highly Effective Tips to Get Rid of a Double Chin

05-07-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   3314 View(s)

Do you avoid taking selfies with friends because of a double chin? It is true your face is the first thing a person notices in a photograph, and a double chin can just ruin the glamour and beauty of your selfie. Fortunately, there are some tips to get rid of a double chin which I am going to share with you in this blog which surely is going to help you out if you have the issue.  Quick & Easy Tips to Get Rid of a Double Chin [goog. Read more...

Why is it Easier to Lose Weight in the Summer Season?

19-06-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   4050 View(s)

Have you ever heard people saying that it is easy to lose weight in the summer season? Have you ever wondered why we put on so much weight during winters but shed pounds easily during the summers? Well, there is a reason why we tend to lose more weight during summers. Today we are going to discover the mystery behind successful weight loss in the summer season. [google_add] Top Reasons Why it is Easier to Lose Weight in the Summer Season. Read more...

Top 6 Easy Exercises for a Healthy Heart

13-06-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   10047 View(s)

The cases of cardiac arrest in India is growing day by day. Heart disease is the number 1 killer worldwide. It is true that junk food has taken the place of healthy foods these days. Kids frown when they are asked to have a glass of milk, and feel happy when they are given any junk food to eat. Our sedentary lifestyle is also one of the reasons why heart disease is increasing day by day. It is vital to take care of our diet and exercise to keep h. Read more...

Gym vs Yoga: Which One is Better for Weight Loss?

11-06-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   17900 View(s)

Gym vs Yoga: Which one is better to lose weight? People who start a fitness regime always get confused between the two. Most people want quick weight loss results, and that is why they are not able to decide whether they should opt for gym or yoga. Both have their benefits, and today we are going to understand which one is better for weight loss. [google_add] Gym vs Yoga: Which one Should you Opt for Weight Loss? The Power of Gym. Read more...

4 Refreshing Summer Drinks for Weight Loss

06-06-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   3116 View(s)

Come summer, and all we crave is refreshing drinks that can save us from the scorching heat of the sun and humidity. What happens next? We lay our hands on sodas, packed fruit juices, and soft drinks, that are unhealthy and makes us gain weight. It is true we must drink something to quench our thirst in the summer season, but that ‘something’ shouldn’t be sugary beverages that can wreak havoc on health. So here are some cool refreshing summ. Read more...

Abdominal Fat may Lead to Diabetes, say Health Experts

30-05-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   3866 View(s)

Being obese or overweight is not good for health, and everyone knows it. But not everyone knows that abdominal fat is the worst one. Abdominal fat may cause type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Various studies have been conducted to confirm the hypothesis, and it has been found that abdominal fat may either cause or relate to the cause of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes. The studies also claim that women, in particular, could be at incre. Read more...