Monitor Your Children, But Let Them Grow!

Monitor Your Children, But Let Them Grow!

11-06-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1278 View(s)

All children grow up; so allow them to be free! Parents always complain that the children are dependent on them and never try to do even the simplest things they do in school. Well, you are to be blamed for that. You feel the kids are too small and need help with everything. But that is far from the truth. Children are perfectly capable of doing simple things if they are trusted with it. Clear instructions that mean business can make them do a lot of things that are good for them, in the long run. Mothers tend to mollycoddle them more than is necessary.

Be firm and mean it

Schoolteachers are usually firm in their instructions. If they say, it is time to leave the playground the kids will follow suit without a single thought because they know the teacher is strict and will not like to repeat the instruction. The case is different when mothers say the same thing because they are often indulgent and allow children requests of “one more time” which is never the case with teachers. Schools are time-bound, and maintenance of discipline is a necessity. Parents need to enforce disciple and tell kids when it is time to stop.

Training and routine:

Children should always work in a routine. Specific timing for food, bed, study and play define their lifestyles, and they respond to the system if it is imposed. Some kids have a problem saying goodbye to their parents. Ideally, stick to a few hugs and kisses and make the child understand that you have to go. Even if you are asking the child to stop doing something give gentle warnings or simply say you will count a certain point by which time the work should be done. It is essential to train the child for certain habits.

Show Them who’s the Boss!

If you want to get, the child’s attention don’t scream. How you say has a little effect on them than what you say. So try some other effective methods like waving your hands when there is chaos in the house, and you want them to pay attention to you. Using verbal tactics, different voices, whispering, mouthing words soundlessly and even singing can be helpful at times. Firmness is something to be practised. Give short and well-meaning instructions first and explain later why you want it done. Normally parents do it the other way round which gives children the opportunity to ask a thousand questions.

Make them Independent!

Let them dress themselves but tell them what to wear. Give them clothes that can be put on easily. Jeans with an elastic band can be worn quickly than one with a zipper. Arranging the clothes in proper shape makes it understandable what goes where and helps the child in getting dressed quickly. Stickers and dots on shoes help to put the right pairs together. Being able to dress brings a sense of contentment in the child and helps build the confidence that is always required. Childhood is a learning process and the preparation for becoming an adult. The earlier they learn, the better because it gives time to fine-tune things and achieve perfection.

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