Parent’s Role during children’s School Holidays

Parent’s Role during children’s School Holidays

23-01-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1519 View(s)

When children get school holidays, this is the only time when they get freedom from their boring, monotonous and tedious school life burdened with homework, school assignments, daily classes and exams. They get the desired liberty to do interesting things but if parents tend to manage their holidays in a constructive manner, their holidays can dynamically be made productive and fruitful.

There are many things which children like to do in their holidays, and they plan to do those things for a long time. They intend to go to their village, or they plan to gossip with their friends, watch TV or movies and many other things. Parents need to understand that this is the age of your children to do all this stuff and never impose a ban or try to stop them from doing all these things. Parents rather can help their children in making their activities meaningful and profound so that their school holidays do not go in vain.

Some interesting mantras to make your Children’s School Holidays Productive

• Involve yourself in your Children’s Activities

When your child is at home during holidays, try to be with them and get involved in their activities and enjoy the moments of fun with your child. It will help you know your child’s interests.

• Do not always force them to Study

Children study in school, but parents want their children to study at home too and especially during their holidays. We need to understand that children will not progress academically if they do not study rigorously but at the same time it is important to let them enjoy the school holidays-their way for all-round development.


• Play and watch TV with them

There would be some indoor and outdoor games and sports in which your child might be interested, and it is the parent’s responsibility to play their part in their children’s sport’s activities. It will nurture their physical and mental growth in a very productive way.

• Teach Children to Socialise but not through Facebook

Children, most of the time are at home during their holidays, but parents need to teach their child to socialise with people especially relatives, neighbours, etc. Indoor socialising on Facebook is fatal for their personality development.

• Help Them to indulge in Hobbies

Parents should let the children indulge in their hobbies and interests and make all possible effort and arrangement to ensure that the children get to do the things they want to during holidays.

How To Make Best Use of Summer Vacations !

• Have at least a one-time Meal with your Child

During the period when your child’s school is running, you might not be able to give enough time to your child due to your professional life schedule, but during holidays you must try to have latest one meal with your child.

• Do not get High Tempered

A child commits mistakes and sometimes those mistakes are too terrible to be ignored. Parents need to handle such things with great patience and ease. Never get high tempered, make them realise the mistake with calmness.

• Encourage

Never use negative expressions about your child, his life or studies or career; it causes negativity and a feeling of dejection in their minds which could be difficult to overcome until they get a very strong notion of motivation. It is, therefore, important to keep encouraging your child.

• Celebrate achievements or Special  Occasions like Birthday

If children achieve something or if there is any special occasion like Birthday-Celebrate the occasion with them. This will encourage your child to put in more efforts.

• Make The Children Feel that they are Special 

Parents need to make their child feel wanted and special by showering them with gifts or presents from time to time keeping in mind their interest pattern so as to keep them motivated.

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