What your Kids are Watching on the Television

03-05-2022   |   Posted By: Admin  |   4555 View(s)

Television and TV programming have increasingly become smarter and interactive during the last few years due to the influence of revolutionary information technology which helped television get rid of the so-called title of the idiot box. But are you aware of the fact that intelligent TV programming can, in turn, have a very negative impact on your kids if you (parents) let them watch whatever they want to? Most of the kids nowadays are excess. Read more...

Kid’s Personality Development in Early Year – Most Important Tips

07-02-2022   |   Posted By: Admin  |   1313 View(s)

A child’s knowledge, interpersonal skills, and the environment they are exposed to contribute to building a balanced personality. And a great personality is what makes them unique. Parents can influence their kids’ thoughts and behaviours. And though children’s personalities continue to build throughout their adolescence, a strong foundation must be created during their early years. A study from The University of Washington suggests that. Read more...

Dancing and Kids: Health Benefits

19-06-2019   |   Posted By: Admin  |   5655 View(s)

Do you have kids? You might be looking for ways to balance their seemingly unlimited energy. Although traditional sports can make your kids active, they might not be the right choice for them. If your children do not like sports, you should enroll them for dance classes. Here are the health benefits of dancing for kids: [googl. Read more...

6 Secrets To Foster Creativity In Your Kids!

01-06-2019   |   Posted By: Rajni Joshi  |   1996 View(s)

Many parents think that creativity is an inborn talent, but actually, it is more skill than innate talent and this is why you should know these secrets to foster creativity in your kids. All children are not equally intelligent. Similarly, all children are not equally creative! Do not expect your child to develop this skill on their own, you as a parent can do so much to foster their creativity. Children are natural innovators with powerful imagi. Read more...

Which are the Top 5 Playschools in Gurgaon?

24-07-2018   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   1871 View(s)

Parents desire for just one thing in this world, and that is seeing their child grow up into a successful human being. Education is the only key to success and that is why parents want their kids to attend the best playschool. A playschool helps a child grow holistically and learn diverse skills at a very small age. Here we have enlisted the top 5 playschools in Gurgaon which will make your little one fall in love with the word 'school.' Top. Read more...

Quick Recipes For Kids To Deal With Their Tantrums

09-03-2018   |   Posted By: Megha Desai  |   2065 View(s)

Is your child a fussy eater? Does your child leave the plate incomplete? Are you worried how will your child meet up with the necessary nutrient requirements? This is the everyday story and questions that parents ponder about. Every house has that messy child who throws up tantrums at the dining table. [google_add] The solution to this is giving eye-catching foods and exciting names. If I tell a diabetic patient that it’s an idli, he will. Read more...

8 Common Parenting Mistakes You Should Avoid!

16-09-2017   |   Posted By: Rajni Joshi  |   3454 View(s)

Parenting is not easy, and it is more than caring and rearing of the child. Every parent has a different way and style of dealing with the child. Some parents follow the authoritative style whereas others might follow the authoritarian or neglected or maybe the permissive style of parenting. Some parents believe in complete freedo. Read more...

9 Effective Ways to Deal with Teenagers

29-08-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi  |   2035 View(s)

What is the age of your child? Is it between thirteen and nineteen? That means he/she is a teenager. Every teenager o goes through a difficult time in their life during this stage. Sometimes they display negative attitudes such as defiance against authority, rule-breaking, and aggression. In order to deal with these issues in teens, there are some essentials which a parent or even teachers need to follow. But before that let us know the changes w. Read more...