Maths for Kids : How to Grow Their Interest

Maths for Kids : How to Grow Their Interest

14-03-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1694 View(s)

Why Children find it difficult to solve Math Questions?

Mathematics is a subject which is taught by all the educational institutions whether big or small. Many children find it easy to solve the mathematical problems while the others keep on dealing and fighting with the same. It is not a tough subject at all if one can get through the mode of the problems to be solved. There are various reasons why children find it difficult to solve the math questions. Let us discuss few of them:

Improper ways of Teaching Math:

Mathematics is a vital subject and scoring too. One of the reasons why students find it difficult is because of improper methods of teaching followed by the institutions or the teacher. It is not necessary that all students would be able to catch your methods and modes of solving mathematical problems. Well, it is also not possible to focus on a particular child only amongst 40-50 students in a class of 200 students including all the sections of a particular standard.

Lack of Interest Among the Teachers:

Teachers are expected to focus on their subject, carry their potential to teach each child and handle their responsibilities diligently. But only a few teachers can follow their duty towards their work assigned. Thus, if the teacher does not have any interest in the subject and new patterns of teaching, the children’s’ too will not gain any interest in that particular subject.

Lack of interest among the Students:

There are many students who love to play with mathematical terms and solve problems quickly. While, on the other hand, few of them find it difficult, to begin with, the sums. Thus, it is the responsibility of the tutor or the parents to take proper care and grow your child’s interest in maths by playing mathematical games and trying a few shortcut tricks with them.

Help your Child deal with Mathematical Problems:

Whenever you see that your kids seek to avoid this subject, never try to force them to deal with the subject without the interest. They will resist and you would not be able to grow your child’s interest in Maths. Instead of forcing you can try to opt for better ways of solving the problems quickly. In case you are not able to solve the problems or deal with the subjects, you may hire a teacher for the same who can generate much confidence in your child.
For those who are small kids, they should be given small toys related to numbers and mathematical signs like-> ‘+’, ‘-‘, ‘×’, ‘÷’ and few others as per the requirement. There are few numbering games available on computers; you may also let your child play with them as and when they find the time. You may also bring home a few fun books which have mathematical sums so that your child finds it interesting to solve each of them every day. In fact, they will learn to solve the problems themselves and slowly and gradually develop an interest in Maths.

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