How to Handle Exam Stress during Board Examinations

How to Handle Exam Stress during Board Examinations

09-03-2016   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1768 View(s)

A lot of students are going through the rigour of Board examinations, and a lot of them happen to appear for the board exams for the first time. It is important to be completely relaxed before Exams to give best results. Here we discuss how to handle Exam Stress during Board Examinations. Expectedly a lot of pressure is put on the students by their parents themselves as the board examinations are treated as a stepping stone for success in life. This fuels a rat race for marks and as our education systems stand today-The higher the scores the better the chances of making it to good colleges or institutions.

Every parent wants their children to score high grades in the examinations which in turn puts pressure on the students to do even better than their calibre. In the quest for good grades –A lot of students take to indiscriminate study hours during the examination period, putting them at a lot of health risks in the process. What students fail to understand is that a more systematic approach to getting good grades is continuous and focused studies all the year-round and not just putting in a fanatic effort towards the end of the year during the examinations.

However, since long study hours during the examinations have become norm-The students should try their level best to ensure that all possible precautions are taken to ensure that they are not unduly stressed which might lead to other complications.

Here are a few things which  should be done to Handle Exam Stress :

1. Avoid Junk Food and go for Nutritious food. Do not munch chips or other junk food when you feel stressed. Go for fruits or fruit juices when the hunger bells ring.

2. Do not study for long hours at a stretch. Take frequent breaks in between

3. Relax during the breaks. Do not think about studies at all during that period.

4. Proper sleep is imperative during examinations-Ensure that you get a good night’s sleep and your sleep pattern is maintained at all times. It can be curtailed a little bit but do not make drastic changes to the sleep pattern.

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5. Always follow a time table and study in an organised manner.

6. Go for a stroll morning or evening whenever time permits.

7. Listen to your favourite songs or play with siblings. This helps significantly to handle Exam stress.

8. Share your problems and feelings with family or friends. Let them have a fair understanding of where you stand or what to expect from them.

9. Keep yourself mentally Fit-Resort to meditation or some other form of exercise to keep your mental agility in good shape. Meditation can help in getting rid of your stress and tensions. Remember, if you get tense you will forget whatever you have learnt, so there is no point worrying- Just give your best.

10. Remember-Put your best efforts but -Not getting good grades is not the end of the world.

There are lots of options available nowadays, and everyone can do something as per their likes /dislikes. Not everybody can be an Einstein. So give your best and follow these tips to handle Exam Stress during Board Examinations.

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