Yoga during Pregnancy to stay Active and Fit

Yoga during Pregnancy to stay Active and Fit

14-07-2016   |   Posted By: Admin   |   2464 View(s)

Pregnancy is considered as one of the most worthy and sensitive phases of a woman’s life. Becoming a mother not only imbibes joy but also brings lots of responsibility. Nobody wants any complication during pregnancy. In this most sensitive phase of life, the pregnant lady should be taken care of not only regarding physical fitness but mental peace too. Yoga is known to be the healer of a lot many health issues and has several beneficial aspects as well. Yoga helps one to stay physically and mentally stable. From the perspective of ancient gurus, yoga soothes one’s soul. Doctors recommend pregnant ladies to do yoga for staying fit. Are you pregnant and want to learn the yoga poses for staying healthy and active? Well, you will get all your answers here in this blog to the best extent possible so, relax, concentrate and go through the remaining part of this blog-It’s time to learn about Yoga during Pregnancy to Stay Active and Fit

Yoga during Pregnancy to Stay Active and Fit

1. Agnistambhasana

This yoga pose will help you to get rid of back pain. It helps in relieving tension as well. How to do this pose? First, sit straight and then keep the foot on the floor, knees should be bent. Most importantly shoulders should be relaxed. You need to slide your flexed right foot under your left knee, and your right knee needs to rest on the floor. Then you have to stack your left shin on the top of your right so that your left foot rests on your right knee. Then rest your palms gently on foot and knee.

2. Eka Pada Kapotasana

This pose is perfect to give you relief from lower back tension, and it will also give you tight hips. It is also known as pigeon pose. For doing this pose first slide your right leg inward so that your right wrist can touch your knee. Then your flexed right foot should be directed towards your left wrist.

3. Blasana for Yoga during Pregnancy

This yoga pose is known as wide knee child’s pose. Balasana helps in relieving your belly weight.

4. Sukhasana variation

This yoga pose will surely help your cranky back. You should start doing this pose in a relaxed seated position with crossed legs. You should rest your right hand on the floor. Then you need to stretch your left arm up and after that bend it to the right.

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5. Malasana

This is a yoga squat. Initially, seat and extend your both legs in front. Then bend your knees and feet should be placed close to your place. After that, do put weight on your feet and then you need to lift off the seat for coming into a wide, low squat.

6. Upavistha Konasana

Upavistha Kona Sana helps one to get rid of back pain, and it works miraculously in relieving belly weight.

7. Supported Matsyasana

You will get relief all over by doing this pose. Supported Matsyasana is known as fish pose also. For doing this pose you need to grab yoga blocks. First, sit in a comfortable position and keep a yoga block behind you on the lowest height to provide support to the mid-back region. Place another yoga block behind the already placed block for supporting the upper neck region and head. After that, you have to fold your legs and lower yourself permitting upper neck and back to rest on yoga blocks.

A list of some other yoga poses is given below.
• Parivrtta Sanchalasana;
• Marjaryasana- Bitilasana;
• Uttansana;
• Ardha Pincha Mayurasana;
• Viparita Karani;

However, it is imperative to understand that the poses mentioned above are generalised and may not always suit individual requirements. Though yoga during pregnancy can be very beneficial yet it is always right to Consult your Doctor and always performs them under expert supervision for best results as doing them in an improper way could be more harmful than giving the desired results.

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