How to Raise an Introvert Child

How to Raise an Introvert Child

05-10-2016   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1543 View(s)

In a playground, where all the kids are playing, or fighting/talking with each other, it’s not very uncommon to the point that one child, who sits alone on the bench; either observing what’s happening around or reading something or maybe enjoying his company. Does that mean that the kid is shy or doesn’t know how to play or an Introvert?

No, it doesn’t mean that he is incapable of playing; though, he might be somewhat reserved.It is considered as a societal norm that children should be social and should be able to mingle with everybody easily. Any child who likes to spend time alone or get along with only a few people is considered to be ‘shy’, and often we see parents being worried about them and taking them to a therapist regarding this concern, thinking that something is wrong with their child.
“Everyone in class is my daughter’s friend and enjoys her company.”
“My son is so social, wherever he goes, he becomes the heart and soul of the party.”
These are some of the typical dialogues parents hear from other parents, which make them worry more about their child if he/she doesn’t adapt to the social settings.

Sometimes, parents are shocked to see their child’s reserved behaviour and are not able to understand the reason behind it. An introvert child is labelled as ‘shy’; while in psychological terms, it’s considered that being ‘introvert’ means that you derive your energy from within yourself. Being introvert is not negative, it’s a personality type, and thus, parents should not push their children to be outgoing when they are not comfortable. Rather, they should be supportive and accept their child’s personality.

Child 2

Some Tips to Raise an Introvert Child:

• Accept their Individuality

Parents must not only just accept their child’s personality, but should also treasure it. Parents must accept that there is nothing deplorable or unusual in being an introvert. They must know that being an introvert is due to their child’s innate temperaments, and that’s why their ‘introvert’ behaviour would be inevitable.

Assist them in Expressing Themselves

Introvert children mostly don’t say out their feelings loud, and it’s perfectly all right. But, if they suppress their feelings too much, they will start feeling stressed and depressed. Therefore, parents should assist their introvert child to express their feelings in any form such as writing journals, talking to people they trust, or through any form of art, etc.

Do not Pressurise

Introvert children tend to have fewer friends. They are also more likely to sit at home rather than going to any social event. In such cases, the parents should not push their child to go to an event or make lots of friends. Parents should accept that it’s not important how many friends their child has, but the comfort level their child has with his few friends is more pivotal.

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Introduce them Slowly

The parents of an ‘introvert’ child should not presume that their child would be spontaneous in making friends or be proactive in social interactions. Thus, the parents should introduce their child slowly with few people, so that they feel comfortable and be at ease.

Make them feel Comfortable

While going to any social event, try to reach before time, so that the child becomes acquainted with the environment and doesn’t feel overwhelmed later, by a large group of people.

Enhance your Child’s Creativity

Introverts tend to be more creative; good decision-makers focused and very thoughtful. Studies suggest that introverts have larger, thicker grey matter in their prefrontal cortices, which is the area of the brain associated with abstract thought and decision-making. That is the reason that they have some unique interests and have a creative bent of mind. Introvert children usually love art, craft, reading, and creating something unique out of imagination. Thus, parents of an introvert child should support their child’s natural interests, so that they can grow their skills towards it.

Reward your Child

Be the building blocks of your child’s social confidence. Respect your child’s individuality, but also don’t let it come in his way of success. Make your child realise that their behaviour and nature is normal. But at the same time, encourage them to get exposed to social situations. Make sure you notice if they take a social risk and blend with the people themselves. Whenever they succeed in making a social interaction, reward them with the things they like. It will build a positive reinforcement in them, and they will slowly start getting along with people at a faster pace with more confidence.

Discuss your Child’s attributes with Teachers-

Many times, introvert children struggle in school, because their less involvement in various activities in school make the teachers and other students think that something is wrong with them. And so, they are labelled as ‘shy’ which is a negative connotation. Therefore, parents should discuss their child’s ‘introvert’ personality with the school, so that they can perceive the child’s behaviour appropriately and help him/her in coping.

Introverts are usually Self- Centred sufficient people, with a very creative mind. They must not be labelled as ‘shy’, they just imbibe all their energy from within themselves and have a different temperament altogether. Just the acceptance of their behaviour by others would make them feel confident about themselves, and succeed well in life. And therefore, it can be said in the case of introverts that “Silent people have the loudest minds”.

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