Top 5 Foods for Healthy Ears

Top 5 Foods for Healthy Ears

22-11-2017   |   Posted By: Shagun Parasher   |   3407 View(s)

The first thing we typically think about when it comes to health awareness is food. Consuming the right food can help nourish the body and cleanse it from any dangerous diseases and toxins. Out of all the widely discussed topics, one thing we tend to forget is our ear health. They need proper nutrition to stay healthy. There are many ways to prevent loss of hearing and keeping them healthy for long. Protecting our ears from hazardous noise exposure, keeping them clean and preventing infections is a must. However, eating a balanced diet can also go a long way to help prevent hearing loss. In this article, we discuss Top Foods for Healthy Ears.

Top 5 Foods for Healthy Ears

Food can play an essential role in keeping our ears healthy. With this, we do not intend to say that you should start stuffing your ears with chicken and low-fat milk. On the contrary, it is about various minerals that are found in some of the fruits and vegetables that can help in keeping the ears in tune. Here are some of the important ones listed, just for you.

1. Bananas

Bananas contain essential mineral, magnesium that helps in preventing hearing loss by expanding the blood vessels within the ears. This, in turn, improves the circulation within the ears. Magnesium also helps control the release of glutamate, a significant contributor to noise-induced hearing loss. It also acts as a protective barrier to the hair cells in the inner ear when deafening noises are emitted. So, just grab two bananas and toss them into a shake or smoothie for this superhero mineral.

Banana Mask

Also Read: The Many Health Benefits of Banana Fruit
2. Broccoli

Broccoli is filled with different kinds of nutrients like vitamin K, vitamin C and fibre. These three can stop free radicals from damaging the sensitive tissue in our ears. Broccoli is also rich in antioxidants that are present in the form of folic acid. Folic acid is present in spinach, beans, eggs, nuts and these can prove useful for your ears by curing 20% risk of hearing loss.

3. Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolate is an excellent source of zinc. This mineral is known to increase cell growth and heal wounds. Zinc boosts the immune system of the body and helps ward against certain infections that can affect the hearing. It also improves cell growth. However, you must check with a doctor before you consume zinc in any form as it can react with diuretics and other drugs. Dark chocolate is our favourite amongst the Foods for Healthy Ears list.

Dark Chocolate

4. Fish

Fish are an excellent source of omega 3 fats, and vitamin D. Fish is indeed one of the best foods for healthy ears. Omega 3s has anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing properties, and we are all aware of that but do you know it can also help in preventing hearing loss? Yes, it can, and we will tell you how. Fishes such as sardines, salmon or tuna and trout are some exceptionally unusual sources of Omega 3 Fatty acids and Vitamin D. Omega 3 fats are known for protecting the heart and blood vessels in our ear’s sensory system. Studies show that adults who consume fish twice a week have 42% lower chances of facing the age-related hearing loss that those who do not. Fish is your best friend for healthy ears so keep eating on a regular basis.

Top 5 Foods for Healthy Ears

5. Oranges

Oranges are rich sources of Potassium, Vitamin E and C. Both the vitamins act as antioxidants to protect cells from damage. Vitamin E is known to revitalise the blood vessels and nerves of the body while vitamin C boosts the immune system functioning that keeps the ear infections at bay. Oranges are readily available in the market

Orange Skin Pack

These were some Foods for Healthy Ears everybody must consume on a daily basis to prevent hearing loss. Once the hearing is damaged, it is gone forever.  Do not wait until it is too late to start taking care of your ears. Here are some of the preventions you should take to keep your ear healthy.

Preventions for Healthy Ears

1. Plug in Earplugs in Loud Noises

Earplugs are easy to Get and are helpful in preventing damages to the ears.

2. Keep the Volume down

You can enjoy music but hooking to it for prolonged hours can potentially harm your ears. One rule you can follow is the 60/60 rule every day. It means listening to music should not be more than 60 minutes per day for no more than 60% volume.

Also, you must keep in mind that you do not use earbuds. Earbuds are dangerous for the ears as they fit directly near the eardrum. We advise you to wear over-ear-headphones.

3. Stop Using Cotton Swabs

It is common for people to use cotton swabs to clean ear wax. We suggest you not to do this. A little wax is not only right but also necessary to keep the dust and other harmful particles away from entering the ears. Introducing cotton swabs inside the ears can damage the sensitive organs of ears like the eardrum.

Stop using cotton swabs to clean ears

If you have excess wax inside your ears, then you can use a damp towel or ear drops to clean your ears. This is a smooth and effortless solution that will not harm your ears. If the conditions seem severe, you should visit your ENT specialist.

4. Get Set Move

We know, walking, running and exercising is good for the body. Moving not only benefits the blood circulation in the body organs but also improves the conditions of your ears. Blood is pumped into your ears. As a result, your ears get the supply of oxygen and blood.

5. Manage Your Stress

Stress and anxiety have been linked to causing temporary or sometimes permanent tinnitus (ringing in the ears). High levels of stress can cause harms not only to the significant body parts but also to the ears. It is vital that you manage your stress levels.

6. Keep Your Ears Dry

It is imperative that you keep your ears dry as excess moisture inside the ears can cause bacteria to enter and attack the ear canal. This can cause some minor to significant ear infections, which can ultimately harm your hearing. This can happen when you bath and some water goes inside. It can also occur if you are a swimmer. If you feel water in your ear, then, just tilt your head slightly to the side and tug lightly on the earlobe to let the water out. You can wear swimmer’s earplugs to prevent this condition.

7. Do not Self-Medicate

You might have heard a lot of times that self-medication should not be done because it can be terrible for the body. It is also applicable in the case of ears. Certain medications, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen can contribute to loss of hearing. It is strictly advised that you do not take medicines other than when prescribed by the doctor himself.

This is how you could prevent any hearing loss. Remember ears are as prominent as any other body parts. Eating healthy and taking care of the ears must be your priority. We have discussed Foods for Healthy Ears and their importance. We hope you like this post. If you do, please do tell us in the comments below. Eat Healthily, Stay Healthy.

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