How to use Green Tea for Preventing Hair Fall?

How to use Green Tea for Preventing Hair Fall?

31-07-2018   |   Posted By: Shagun Parasher   |   4082 View(s)

We have read and heard about the benefits of green tea on our health in a lot of health journals. Green tea has many advantages such as it helps in preventing cardiovascular diseases, lowering cholesterol, etc. This might come out a little far-fetched, but it has now been proved that having a cup or two of green tea every day will not only cure the myriad of health problems but can stop hair loss as well. So, if you wish to have long, luscious and thick hair, start sipping a cup of green tea from today. In this article, we talk about how to use green tea for preventing hair fall. Read on to find out.

Why do we Use Green Tea for Preventing Hair Fall?

Scientifically, green tea is known as Camellia sinesis, and it’s found in China. Both green tea and black tea are derived from the same plant, and the difference between them is in the way they are processed. While black tea is fermented, green tea is dried and steamed and therefore, it is full of minerals and nutrients.

The caffeine content in green tea is far lower than that present in black tea, making it a healthier option. It also consists of catechin polyphenols which are potent antioxidants and are also responsible for bitter and astringent taste. Green tea is loaded with amino acids such as butyric acid, lignan, theanine and vitamins like A, B1, B2, B3, C and E.

Green tea also has proven benefits in preventing cancer, obesity and gastrointestinal problems. It also deals with skin disorders very well. All these factors make green tea a full package loaded with health benefits.

It was initially believed that the catechins found in the green tea can help prevent hair loss. Scientists also found that green tea contains the antioxidant “EGCG” that can stimulate hair growth. Some studies also suggest that the anti-inflammatory properties of green tea are responsible for hair growth.

What are the Tips to Use Green Tea for Preventing Hair Fall?

Now that we know that green tea is beneficial in boosting hair growth, let’s take a look at the different ways to use it for boosting hair growth.

1. Sipping a Cup of Green Tea Daily

The first and the foremost has to be this one. Sipping up a cup of green tea every day is the easiest way of using it for controlling hair fall. We bet you will see a change in a week or two.

Green Tea

Don’t worry if you don’t like the bland taste of green tea; you can always add honey and ice to a cup of green tea and enjoy it.

2. Taking Green Tea Capsules

If you don’t have enough time to invest in other methods, you can always rely on green tea capsules that are readily available at the pharmacist. These pills will help you fight hair loss and boost the process of hair growth.

3. Green Tea DIY Mask

You can try a DIY green tea hair mask to get beautiful hair. You will need an egg and 2-3 teaspoons of green tea, lemon, honey and henna (optional). Beat the egg and green tea together and mix all the ingredients and apply the mixture directly on the scalp. Once it dries, rinse your hair with cold water.

Hair Care Tips

Adding egg to the green tea will help in smoothening the hair and repairing the damage caused to your hair.

4. Rinsing your Hair with Green tea

For promoting hair growth, you can prepare a rinse using green tea bags and use it as an after-shampoo hair wash. This rinse is known for providing quick relief from several scalp disorders within no time.

All you need to do is grab some tea bags, around 3-4, and put them in water for 10-15 minutes. Shampoo your hair and use this rinse after shampoo nicely. Keep it on for 10 minutes and rinse off with cold water.

Repeat this process at least two times a week until you see the desired results. Doing so will stimulate hair follicles and treat dandruff.

5. Shampoos with Green Tea Extracts

The easiest way to use green tea for preventing hair fall is to use a shampoo that contains green tea extracts. You can get a shampoo with green tea extracts at any ayurvedic store. You can also use conditioners along with the shampoo.

This was about how to use green tea for preventing hair fall. We hope that you liked this post. Also if the hair fall doesn’t stop even after trying all these tips, we would suggest you go for a health checkup because sometimes hair fall is a cause of an underlying medical condition.

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