Are you worried about Parent Teacher Meetings ?

Are you worried about Parent Teacher Meetings ?

06-09-2016   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1491 View(s)

Parent teacher meetings are the most important meetings on which the grooming of your children depends. Through this session not only do you get to know about the performance and behaviour of your child, but you also get to form a good rapport with the teacher so that you can benefit from it later. These meetings are usually for a short period, and in this little time, most of it should be done. Here the teacher also gets to know the family and how the child is being grown up. It is a one on one conversation. Here we review the many benefits of Parent teacher meetings.

Some tips which can be Beneficial  during Parent Teacher Meetings:

• All the important things which the parent wants the teacher to know or discuss with her should be listed in a paper before one proceeds for the meeting. This way the parent will not forget to ask or say anything and hence not regret later on.

• Spouse or a friend or a colleague should be taken along for the meeting since one person may not be able to relay the exact thing which the mother or the father is trying to portray. Hence, two people attending the meeting are better than one.

• As people say, ‘ the first impression is the last impression,’ so having a proper impression on the teacher is a must. Greeting the teacher with a smile and good demeanour works well in this case. This way the teacher also feels wanted which is why she becomes more outspoken and is willing to talk even more in comparison to the other parents.

• The teacher should be allowed to speak first. The parent may have several things to say, but one should first lay back and listen to what the teacher has to say. After she is done, the parent can talk. This way the conversation will remain on track and will not overlap each other.

• The parent must take a notepad along with him/her and take down all the information that the teacher provides. Not only that, if the parents don’t understand anything, they should ask the teacher instead of keeping quiet and just listening to her. This way the conversation becomes more progressive and full of information which might, later on, prove beneficial for the child.

• The plans which the parents have thought regarding the child must be discussed with the teacher. It could be about academics, or the behaviour or social issues; all these must be discussed with the teacher so that she can guide the parent as well as suggest some even better ideas or solutions for the child.

• The teacher should always be provided with the details of the child’s family, his surroundings, and his circumstances while he studies, etc. This way the teacher will also get to know the exact problems of the child and work on them in a better way.

• Information about how the child has settled in academically must be provided to the teacher. A teacher has to deal with several students at a time, which is why she might not remember your child. Providing this information to the teacher makes the work much easier.

• If the child has any faults or illness, the teacher must be told immediately at the beginning of the academic year during the parent-teacher meeting. This way the teacher will understand the child’s problems and it will help them deal will the child in a proper and sensible way.

• Dropping an e-mail or making a phone call to the teachers is one of the kindest gestures ever. Very few parents do it but if you can do it, it will be very helpful in creating a rapport with the teacher and will eventually benefit the child.
Other than his/her efforts, the other way through which a child can see success is a good and fruitful parent-teacher relationship which develops most from parent-teacher meetings.

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