Learn Tricks and Facts of Sleep Patterns in Newborn Babies
13-07-2015 | Posted By: Admin | 1358 View(s)
Newborn babies’ Sleep-Needs may vary
The sleeping patterns in newborn babies can be tricky, and every parent needs to learn each of those tricks efficiently. Babies usually spend a huge span of time in slumber, especially during the first couple of week’s right after their birth. But gradually they start sleeping for lesser hours, not only at night but in the daytime as well. The sleep needs of each baby vary from others and also keep changing from day to day. Newborn kids sleep for long when they are tired, upset or injured. They also sleep while suffering from any illness or experiencing a growth spurt. So, do not panic if your kid is sleeping for too long or hardly for half an hour at once. Your baby is unique, and he/she has different sleep needs than other babies. Do not force them to go off to sleep if they indicate to stay awake even at midnight. Some babies need longer time to grasp the adult sleeping patterns.
Adapt the Tricks to Get Your Baby to Sleep at Night!
After a hectic day when your baby stays awake at night, it becomes quite problematic for both you and the kid. When newborn kids reach 10-11 pounds of weight, they tend to sleep well at night; but this is not true for all newborn children. Some extremely effective tricks to get your baby to sleep at night are as follows:
• Give a large portion of feeding to your baby just before putting them down for the night.
• Try to delay the last or even the second last feeding before sleep through talking, stimulating or pacifying.
• If your baby enjoys breastfeeding for a night of sound sleep, nurse at both the breasts and you may add small portions of bottle-feeding to that in the end.
• Sometimes newborn kids cry heavily due to irritation or drowsiness in the middle of their night nap. Do not attend them right then. Take some time and try putting them to sleep again by rocking and singing mildly.
• Stimulate babies and keep them awake as much as possible during day time.
• Restrict yourself from talking to the baby while feeding them before their night sleep. This will help the baby calm down and get prepared for a sound sleep.
In spite of every single effort, some babies continue waking up from their night naps even when they are one year old. Allowing your baby to sob himself back to slumber will surely help since several nights of this practice will eventually alter their pattern of awakening at night.
Lull Your Baby to Sleep with Much Affection
Newborn babies require far more care and affection than other kids. And the key to lulling them to sleep is touching them affectionately and make them feel how important and valuable they are to us. The following practices may help to create good sleep patterns or changing a bad one!
• Give your baby smooth back rubs after putting them in a cosy position.
• Sing or recite rhymes softly or play mild music in the room.
• Keep a cloth which has their mother’s smell near their head.
• Always put them to sleep in an airy room and strictly avoid a claustrophobic one!
• Your baby’s mattress must be a firm, comfortable and non-allergic one.
• Kiss them softly after a certain time span and sway them with much affection.
Sleep patterns largely reflect a baby’s nervous system’s maturity, temperament, and the way they have gradually been conditioned by the surrounding environment. Most babies experience a period of staying awake between 5p.m.-9p.m. So, you better prepare a routine nap for your newborn baby keeping these things in mind.