Your Kids’ Best Friend

Your Kids’ Best Friend

21-10-2015   |   Posted By: Admin   |   1423 View(s)

“A friend in need is a friend indeed”, is a rightly said proverb for probably all parents. With the increasing pressure on kids, parents often become over-concerned about making it possible for them to tackle it. The numbers of home works and projects are increasing day by day along with the number of exams in a child’s schedule. Every other day we get to hear from a kid about having surprise tests and projects in school. In this rat race, parents also tend to chip in by doing the homework or project of the child, leaving the child confused as to whether they should always depend on parents to do it or do it themselves.

How can you Help your Child without doing their Work?

• Initially, you can help them with the first problem and ask them to do the rest. Help them by giving more examples, make them understand the concept so that the child can handle the problems themselves.

• You can assist them by making charts of formulas, remembering shortcuts, short forms or by highlighting the important facts.

• You can develop their interest in searching the unknown facts may be from the internet. Some kids learn better with pictures. Show them pictures of what they are studying.

Every individual child has a definite way of learning. Find out their comfort zone, and you can succeed in helping your child. Once their interest is developed, they will enjoy the work


Some tips to develop long-lasting skills for your child:

1: Make a schedule for your child’s study. Make a definite timeframe for the child to finish the homework; make sure you sit beside them at that point of time. Don’t always harass them with talks of homework. This might make them lose their interest. Make sure that there are no distractions whatsoever.

2: To avoid further distraction, set a perfect place for your kids’ study. Avoid studying in bed as this causes lethargy. Keep a separate table and chair for her/him.

3: The process to help is to help them learn the fundamentals. Help them understand the proper way and method of doing the work. Do not do the work for them, but help them learn how to do it. This will help them in the long run.

4: If possible, review their work after they finish it. Help them to rectify the mistakes if any, after they are done so that they can understand where they went wrong.

5: Follow up with your child’s teacher as often as possible, to check their performance in school. Kid’s performance in school differs a lot from home as they have to do the work themselves; while at home parents are there to guide them. But ensure, this is done without your child’s knowledge. Teachers can be a great help and offer good suggestions for your kids’ learning.

6: Teach them only after doing your homework properly and with adequate research. Teach them to follow the new trend of studies. Teach them to manage all the work on time. Increase their time-management skills. Give them work and ask them to finish on time. Make them do practice as this will speed up their writing skills and improve performance.

7: Sometimes you can offer incentives for their good work. As this will boost their interest to work harder.

8: Teach them through small educational tours. Take them to museums, science buildings, etc. Make them read a newspaper; explain to them what the news is all about. Inculcate the habit of questioning in them, teach them to ask ‘Why’, and all the more make sure to clarify all their doubts.

9: Never forget to praise their abilities and treat them for good work. But even make sure, it is not an over-do. As this may spoil them.

Give them views of their plans:

Listen to them about their interest and give them ideas about their future aspirations.

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