How to Painlessly Remove Upper Lip hair Naturally at Home?

How to Painlessly Remove Upper Lip hair Naturally at Home?

27-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   6124 View(s)

Got no time to visit the salon and get rid of your upper lip hair? Don’t worry! There are some remedies you can try to remove upper lip hair naturally at home. Every woman wants to look her best, but those pesky hairs on the upper lips take away all the beauty of the face. And so you make frequent visits to the salon or use expensive products to get rid of your upper lip hair. But, it is difficult to visit a salon always due to time constraints or to spend lavishly on expensive products to remove upper lip hair.

So, here, I am going to tell you the top remedies to get rid of upper lip hair naturally at home. These are the ways which are less costly as compared to the parlour treatment. So, let’s dig into the homemade procedures to get rid of upper lip hair easily.

Best Remedies to Remove Upper Lip Hair Naturally

1. Milk and Turmeric

Turmeric powder is used for almost all beauty purposes. This yellow coloured Indian spice is used to treat many skin problems. Turmeric powder helps in cleansing your skin and takes away all the dirt and impurities, leaving you with a naturally glowing skin. On the other hand, milk contains lactic acid which exfoliates the skin, and the amino acids present in the milk keeps the skin moisturised. These two ingredients, when mixed, can work effectively in removing upper lip hair naturally.


• One tablespoon of turmeric
• One tablespoon of water or milk


Combine turmeric and milk (use water if you are allergic to dairy) and form a smooth paste. Apply on your upper lip and let it stay for half an hour. Once the paste gets hard, rub it gently and then wash it off. Try this remedy once every few days for a couple of weeks.

3. Egg White

Do you want to forget expensive cosmetic products for upper lip hair removal? I am sure you do! Well, then you would have to use egg whites for upper lip hair removal. Eggs are a reasonable and easy way to remove upper lip hair naturally at home. Wondering how eggs work to remove hair on upper lips? Well, an egg white is packed with protein and collagen which soothes your skin. Furthermore, it contains enzymes which help you remove the hair from its follicles.

Egg Mask


• One egg white
• One tablespoon of sugar
• One tablespoon of corn flour


Keep all the ingredients in front of you and start mixing them in a bowl. Whisk the mix till it becomes a smooth paste. Once you are done, spread the paste on the upper lip. Leave it on for half an hour and then peel the paste off. Repeat this treatment two times a week to get best results.

3. Lemon and Sugar

If you want to remove the upper lip hair naturally, then do try lemon and sugar. Lemon has bleaching properties which help in lightening the hair on the upper lip. And sugar? Well, it plays an excellent role of a gentle scrub as it helps in exfoliating the skin and makes the hair loose in their follicles, which makes it easier to detach them from the skin. So, add lemon to your grocery list and use this perfect remedy to get rid of upper lip hair.


• One lemon
• One tablespoon of sugar

Lemon remedies


Take a lemon and extract the juice out of it. Mix in sugar and stir well until it becomes a fine, smooth paste. Done? Great! Now, you just have to apply the paste all over your upper lip. Let it dry for about 15 minutes and rinse it off with regular water. Follow this remedy every alternate day for a couple of months to get desired results.

4. Potato Juice

Have you been trying a lot searching for a natural remedy to get rid of upper lip hair? If yes, then this remedy is definitely for you! We all love eating potatoes, don’t we? But what if I told you that potato juice could help resolve the upper lip hair issue for you? Surprised, right? Well, don’t be! Potato juice helps unclog pores and also pulls away upper lip hair when it is scrubbed off the skin. Also, it has natural skin bleaching properties, and so you must use this remedy for removing upper lip hair.

Method 1


•    Two tablespoons of potato juice


Take two tablespoons of potato juice and simply spread the juice on your upper lip before going to sleep at night. Leave it overnight. Wash it off the next morning with cold water. Follow the remedy daily for a month.

Method 2


• Two tablespoons of yellow lentils
• One tablespoon of potato juice
• One teaspoon of honey
• One tablespoon of lemon juice
• Water


Take two tablespoons of yellow lentils and soak them in enough water overnight. Strain them in the morning, and then all you need to do is grind them with potato juice and lemon juice. Blend well to form a smooth paste. Add honey to this paste and blend again. Apply this on your upper lip and wait for 15 to 20 minutes. Once it dries, scrub it off and wash your face with cold water. Try this perfect remedy for upper lip hair removal two times a week to get desired results.

5. Honey and Lemon Juice

Do not let upper lip hair embarrass you! Try honey and lemon juice to get rid of those ugly hairs on the upper lip. As already mentioned above, lemons have bleaching properties which lighten the skin tone and honey have natural skin cleansing effects.



• ½ tablespoon of lemon juice
• One tablespoon of honey
• Warm water


Mix lemon juice and honey and apply the paste on your upper lip skin. Let it stay for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then, take a clean, cotton washcloth and soak it in the warm water and use this cloth to wipe off the paste. Use this treatment twice a week to remove upper lip hair naturally effectively.

6. Milk and Corn Flour

This amazing combination of cornflour and milk sticks to the skin firmly, and when it is peeled off, it removes the hair along with it.


• One teaspoon of cornflour
• Two teaspoons of milk


Properly blend the ingredients to form a smooth consistency and allow it to dry. Once it is dry, peel the mask off. Repeat this remedy two to three times a week.

7. Flour, Milk and Turmeric

This is one of the easiest and simplest methods to remove upper lip hair naturally. Apply this pack to loosen up the hair follicles, and then the hair can be removed very easily when the mask is peeled off.


• One tablespoon of white flour
• One tablespoon of milk
• A pinch of turmeric


Keep all the ingredients in front of you and mix them to form a thick, granular paste. Apply this paste on your upper lip and allow it to dry. Once it gets dry, peel off the mask slowly. Rinse off with water. Use this pack three to four times a week for best results.

8. Turmeric, Gram Flour and Turmeric

Yoghurt, besan and turmeric are the ingredients that absorb all the impurities that clog your pores which makes the upper lip to become loose in their follicles. So, use this pack to remove upper lip hair naturally at home.

Turmeric Face Pack


• One teaspoon of gram flour (Besan)
• One teaspoon of yoghurt
• A pinch of turmeric


In a bowl, mix all the ingredients properly to form a thick, granular paste. Massage your upper lip with this paste and wait for 15 to 20 minutes before rubbing it off gently. Then, wash your face with cold water. Follow this incredible remedy two times a week.

Try these remedies to remove upper lip hair naturally at home and enhance your beauty. If you know any other natural remedy to get rid of upper lip hair; do share with us in the comment section below.

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