Healthy Eating for a Healthy Life
22-07-2022 | Posted By: Admin | 4954 View(s)
Evolution and adaptation are two of the most complex traits of life. All organisms must have the capability to adapt and evolve as per challenges and circumstances to survive. It is not different for human beings. To lead a decent unhindered life, a person must possess good health and go in for Healthy Eating habits.
Health is the stable condition of the living organism in which all the vital internal functions perform in harmony for preservation and development of the organism.
The key factors affecting the Health of an Individual are:
1. Status and income statistics;
2. Education and literacy;
3. Working conditions;
4. Cultural, Social and physical environments;
5. Biology (genetics, age, sex, etc.);
6. Health care services.
In this competitive world, everybody is in a rat race. An individual must keep surviving. And to perform he must be physically fit and emotionally strong. The era of junk food, couches and entertainment clad technologies are making them obese and lethargic. To buy even the smallest thing, they are taking the help of technology without shedding a sweat. There are certain ways to cut down calories for proper health maintenance by following Healthy Eating Habits. They are:
1. Avoid junk food, prefer vegetables and fruits more.
2. Workout sessions keep up proper physiological functions. Indulge in routine physical activities like yoga, sports, jogging, etc., especially in the morning or evening.
3. Check stress. Stress makes us comfort food seekers and makes as fatty. Do not bring work in your home. Proper rest and sound sleep after a tiresome day refresh the body and mind simultaneously.
4. Decrease snack time. It helps to stop gaining more calories.
5. Consumption of 5-6 ounces of prunes every day on a regular basis enables weight loss. Researchers suggest that if we continue this for 12 weeks, we can lose up to 4.4 pounds or an inch of our waistline.
6. Consumption of protein in a controlled manner increases our metabolism rate by 20% as protein takes the longest to digest.
7. Maintaining the temperature of the environment in between 62-77°F helps us to burn more calories as our body tries harder to maintain its 98.6°F average temperature. Even when we consume cold or chilled water before workouts, our body intends to do the same.
8. Avoid food containing cheese, fats, oils, nuts, butter, chocolates, milk and dairy products, red meat, etc. as much as possible.
Benefits of Healthy Eating :
1. Lowering the risk of age-related diseases like Diabetes, memory problems, cancer, heart diseases, obesity.
2. Losing weight helps in gaining confidence, stress relief, avoiding mental problems like depression, anxiety, improving body image and language and other emotional benefits.
3. Staying in shape also imparts a consciousness, discipline, and confidence immensely helping our status in the social demography.
4. Losing calories slow down ageing and extend life expectancy.
5. The increase in cognitive brain functions.
Facts you must know about Healthy Foods
Nowadays, people are switching over to Healthy foods to help them be fit for a longer period of life. Every foodie knows certain health facts that they maintain to get a healthy living and lifestyle. Being a foodie is not just enough, but care should also be taken that they resort to healthy stuff. Too much Fast food can reduce the life span by some years. It is extremely harmful to the body, and utmost care should be taken that a person consumes more of healthy products. Some of the facts that must be kept in mind are listed below:
• Healthy foods can’t remain fresh for long:
However, refrigerated, healthy foods don’t stay fresh for an extended period. There can be some stale smells coming from healthy foods. Fruits and vegetables, cut from some days give a black colour layer in the vegetable which is not good for health if consumed. If foods are fresh for long periods, then they can’t be considered as fresh foods. A distinction should be made between the two properly so that it is easy to maintain a healthy diet.
• Shop healthy foods from the best of grocery shop:
When shopping for healthy foods, it is important to check out the grocery store that provides the best of healthy foods. Meat products like meat, fish, etc. Baked products, fruits and vegetables should all be fresh when bought. Fat-free, dairy products should be chosen from the dairy shop. The storekeeper should be consulted properly before purchasing a product.
• Checking for the fibre content in the Food:
When buying for some cereal, the fibre present in the food content should be checked thoroughly as the fibre is very essential for the body and needs to be taken on a daily basis. The label might say whole grain cereals, but to check whether the cereal is whole grain, the back label should be read correctly, which indicates the exact amount of fibre present in the content. Customers should not be fooled easily by the label as they can get easily cheated. They can end up paying for whole grain, but they won’t get the same.
• No added salt in the Food:
Salt should always be taken in minimal amounts. Not too much, nor too less. It is true that salt gives taste to the food, but it should not be consumed more than required. The salt content of the food product also is written in the health content given at the back of the product. The salt content should be checked for, and if the food product contains too much salt, then it should be left there itself and not purchased.
• Checking the quality of the Food:
As a healthy food, it is essential not to look for the quantity on the plate. Instead, the quality of the food should be checked. Food with high-calorie content should not be consumed as that is quite unhealthy. Instead, the food quantity can be increased with healthy fruits and vegetables.
Maintaining health is a prime requisite of every human being, and they should consume food items keeping that in mind.
Cutting down calories should not become an obsession. It may bring an emotional breakdown too, especially in teenage girls. Those who are already skinny do not have to worry regarding calorie intake. The main motto is to stay healthy, prosper and smile by following Healthy Eating habits.