Obesity: Why it Happens and the Best ways to Overcome it!

Obesity: Why it Happens and the Best ways to Overcome it!

23-10-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   23343 View(s)

Obesity is a health problem that is growing day by day. The main reason behind obesity is an unhealthy lifestyle which includes a poor diet and lack of physical activity. Obesity invites many health problems and can ruin a person’s health and happiness.

What is Obesity?

Obesity is a health condition in which excess body fat gets accumulated below the skin and around the visceral organs. A person is considered obese or overweight when his or her body weight is about 20% more than the ideal body weight. Also, if your Body Mass Index (BMI) is 30 or more, you can be considered obese. Obesity can cause many diseases like heart disease, cancer, arthritis, PCOD, depression, sleep disorder, and type 2 diabetes. Go for a health checkup if you are obese or overweight because obesity is a cause of many health conditions and hence it is best to stay aware of your health and detect diseases at an early stage.

What are the Causes of Obesity?

Obesity is generally a result of poor eating habits. However, overeating is also driven by many biological factors like hormones and genetics. There are many causes of obesity apart from leading a sedentary lifestyle and eating junk food.


Below are some of the factors that can cause obesity:

1. Genetics

There is a strong connection between genes and obesity. Children who have obese parents are much more likely to become obese than children of lean parents.

Prader-Willi syndrome, a genetic condition is a direct cause of obesity. Scientists believe that a combination of genes and behaviour can trigger obesity. A person’s genes can make him or her susceptible to obesity, however other factors are also required to make a person obese.

That does not mean that if your parents were obese, then you will be obese too. Your eating habits and lifestyle will determine which genes are expressed and which are not.

Genetic components affect your susceptibility to gaining weight. But you can prevent obesity by eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly.

Obesity has a strong genetic component. Children of obese parents are much more likely to become obese than children of lean parents.

2. Certain Medications

There are many drugs (steroids, diabetes medications, and antidepressants) that can cause weight gain. There are certain medications that can cause weight gain as a side effect.

These drugs alter the function of your body and brain, reduces metabolic rate and increases appetite. Some medications promote weight gain by reducing the number of calories burned.

If you are taking any medication and gaining weight, then consult your doctor.

3. Leptin Resistance

Leptin is a hormone that plays an essential role in obesity. Leptin is produced by fat cells and the blood levels increases when there is higher fat mass in the body. That is why the levels of leptin are higher in people who have obesity.

In healthy and fit people, high levels of leptin are linked to reduced appetite. When this hormone works properly, it tells your brain how high your fat stores are.

The problem is that leptin does not work as it should in obese people and because for some reason it does not cross the blood-brain barrier.

This condition is known as leptin resistance and is believed to be one of the leading factors in the pathogenesis of obesity.

4. Added Sugar

Added sugar is one of the leading causes of obesity. When we consume sugar in excess, our hormones and biochemistry of the body changes. This causes weight gain.

How to Quit Sugar for Weight Loss?

Added sugar is half fructose, half glucose. We get glucose from many foods, including starches, however, most of the fructose comes from added sugar.

Consumption of fructose in a large amount may cause insulin resistance and increase insulin levels. Therefore, sugar leads to increased energy storage, and obesity. Limit the consumption of sugar to prevent obesity.

5. Junk Food

This is so obvious, isn’t it? Junk food is high in fats, salt and sugar and makes people obese. Foods which are heavily processed foods are designed to be cheap and taste so delicious that it is hard to resist them.

Junk Food

Food manufacturers try their best by making these foods finger-licking good but they also promote overeating.
Junk food is hard to resist, but it is bad for health. One should quit eating junk food to prevent obesity.

6. Insulin

Insulin is a major hormone that regulates energy storage. One of the functions of insulin is to tell fat cells to store fat and hold on the fact that the cells already carry.

Insulin resistance is a condition wherein the efficiency of insulin in transporting glucose (sugar) into cells decreases. Fat cells are more insulin resistance than muscle cells, and hence there is a strong connection between insulin resistance and obesity.

The role of insulin level in obesity is controversial, however many studies suggest that high insulin levels have a causal role in the development of obesity.

An effective way to lower your insulin levels is to cut back on refined carbohydrates and increase fibre intake.

7. Stress

When we are stressed, we crave foods that can provide us comfort. Scientists say that there are specific hormones that play a major role in the process. These hormones are serotonin and cortisol.

When we reach for comfort foods that are fatty when we are stressed, it raises the body’s serotonin level. Serotonin is the body’s chemical that makes us feel good and better. On the other hand, stress causes the body to release excess cortisol.

Cortisol is a hormone essential in managing fat storage and energy use in the human body. Cortisol increases appetite and cravings for fatty and sugary foods.Manage your stress levels to maintain your ideal weight.


8. Lack of Physical Activity

This is one of the major contributors to obesity. When you consume calories and do nothing to burn it, you are bound to gain weight. These days, most people have desk jobs where they have to sit for hours and work.

And it is almost impossible for people to leave junk food. So they consume excess calories and then just sit comfortably on their seat which makes them gain weight.

Physical activity increases the total energy expenditure of people, which help them stay energetic and lose weight. It also decreases fat around the waist and slows down the development of abdominal obesity.

To keep obesity at bay, one must work out. Because of the lack of physical activity is a significant cause of obesity.

9. Poor Quality of Sleep

Do you sleep for less than 5 hours? You may gain weight if you do not get proper sleep. Getting inadequate sleep is another reason why people gain weight.

When you do not get proper sleep, your body creates a vicious cycle which makes you prone to various factors contributing to weight gain.

When you are sleep-deprived, the stress level increases in the body which increases your appetite and make you gain weight.Improve the quality of your sleep to prevent obesity.

10.Hormonal Imbalance

The hormones insulin, androgens, oestrogens, leptin and growth hormone have a major impact on our appetite, metabolism and body fat distribution. Hormonal imbalance can increase our appetite and decrease metabolism, contributing to weight gain.

If you have gained weight suddenly, consult a doctor as sudden weight gain may be a result of a hormonal problem.

11. Medical Conditions

There are many medical conditions like thyroid, PCOS, etc. which cause obesity. It is best to go for a health checkup to understand the cause of obesity.

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These are some of the causes of obesity. Now let us know the various symptoms of obesity.

What are the Symptoms of Obesity?

The person’s appearance is sufficient to arrive at a diagnosis in most cases.

Some of the common signs and symptoms of obesity are:

• Large body frame
• Fatigue
• Breathlessness
• Breast region adiposity
• Big belly
• Flabby fat in the upper arms and thighs
• Difficulty in doing physical activities
• Joint Pain
• Trouble sleeping
• Skin problems caused by moisture that accumulates in the folds of your skin
• Gallstones
• Osteoarthritis in weight-bearing joints, especially the knees

The symptoms as mentioned above of obesity can also resemble other medical problems. Consult a doctor if you notice that you have gained weight recently without any obvious cause.

How is Obesity Diagnosed?

Obesity is diagnosed usually on the basis of a physical examination and the patient’s history (eating and exercise habits). It is also diagnosed by calculating BMI. Body Mass Index (BMI) is based on your height and weight. BMI does not measure body fat directly, but it is an essential tool to assess the health risk associated with being obese or overweight. If a person’s BMI is in the range of 18.5 to 24.9, then a person is not considered obese. A BMI of 30 or more means that a person is obese. Generally, it means that your body weight is 35% to 40% more than the ideal weight. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is calculated using kilograms and metres instead of pounds and inches/feet.

BMI is calculated as under:

BMI = body weight (kg) ÷ height² (m).

For instance, if you weight 68 kg and are 5’8 (1.73 m) tall, divide 68 by (1.73× 1.73). The result is 22.74, and it is in the middle of the healthy range.

Health Canada classifies BMI according to the associated risk of developing health problems:


BMI value

Classification Health risk
Less than 18.5 Underweight Increased


18.5 to 24.9 Normal weight Least


25.0 to 29.9 Overweight Increased


30.0 to 34.9 Obese class I High


35.0 to 39.9 Obese class II Very high
40 or higher Obese class III Extremely high


Note: The above classification does not apply to pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or people younger than 18 years of age. For people 65 years and older, the “normal” BMI range is higher, and begins slightly above 18.5 and extends into the “overweight” range.
Skin callipers are also used to calculate body fat. Skin callipers are an instrument that helps to measure the thickness of your skin. Body shape is also important in calculating body fat. People who carry most of their weight around their waist and have a greater risk of heart risk and diabetes. People who have big hips and thighs (pear-shaped) are at a greater risk of diabetes.

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What are the Diseases Caused by Obesity?

1. Type 2 Diabetes

Obesity is one of the major causes of type 2 Diabetes. People inflicted by obesity are about ten times more likely to have type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, type 2 diabetes can lead to heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, high blood pressure, impotence and much more. When the blood sugar levels are above normal, it leads to type 2 Diabetes. The causes of type 2 Diabetes include genes, unhealthy diet, obesity and a low physical activity level.

You will be surprised to know that about 80 per cent of people with type 2 diabetes are obese or overweight. The reason behind this is that obesity leads to the development of insulin resistance which causes type 2 diabetes. Being obese causes cells to change and make them resistant to the hormone insulin.

How Walking can help People suffering from Diabetes?

Insulin carries sugar from the blood to the cells, where it is used for energy. When a person is insulin resistant, it makes it difficult for the cells to take up the blood sugar, which results in high blood sugar. Additionally, the insulin-producing cells have to work harder to keep blood sugar normal, and this causes these cells to fail gradually.

If you are at risk for type 2 diabetes, you should lose weight to delay the onset of diabetes. Becoming more physically active and losing weight can help you control your blood sugar and prevent or delay health problems. So, hit the gym and eat a nutritious diet to keep diabetes and obesity at bay.

2. High Blood Pressure

Obesity is a significant risk factor for hypertension (also known as “High blood pressure”). Hypertension increases the risk of other diseases including kidney disease, stroke, congestive heart failure (CHF) and coronary heart disease (CHD). A blood pressure is considered normal if it is in the range of 120/80 mm.

Obesity leads to high blood pressure in several ways. When a person is obese, the blood pressure increases because the heart needs to pump harder to supply blood to all the cells. Besides, excess body fat may also damage your kidneys, which help in regulating blood pressure.

Losing weight can help you lower high blood pressure. You should quit smoking, cut back on salt and exercise regularly to lose weight and reduce blood pressure. High Blood Pressure is one of the top diseases caused by obesity.

3. Cancer

Cancer is indeed one of the deadliest diseases in the world. When cells in one part of the body, such as the colon, start growing abnormally or out of control, cancer occurs. These cancerous cells can also easily spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver. Cancer is a severe disease and is the second leading cause of death in the US.

The reason why obesity leads to weight gain is still not known. It is assumed that fat cells may release hormones that affect cell growth and lead to cancer. Moreover, unhealthy eating habits and lack of physical exercise can also lead to obesity and contribute to cancer risk. Generally, obesity increases the risk of certain cancers.

4. Infertility

Obesity leads to hormonal imbalance which can cause ovarian failure. Women who weigh 15% more than their ideal weight are at a higher risk of developing ovarian cancer and infertility. Obesity also causes problems for the pregnant women. Women who are pregnant and obese have higher chances of developing gestational diabetes and high blood pressure.

Also, babies of obese or overweight mothers are at an increased risk of being stillborn, being born too soon and having neural tube defects.

Obesity increases blood sugar, blood pressure and insulin resistance in the body which is highly unhealthy for the body. Obesity also increases surgery time and blood loss.

There are high chances that the children of obese mothers will gain too much weight over time. So, being obese affects child and mother, both. Hence, if you are pregnant, you must talk to your Doctor about losing weight first.
On the other hand, obese men are at a greater risk of developing low sperm count and motility.

5. Liver Disease

Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH), which is also known as fatty liver disease occurs when fat accumulates in the liver and causes injury. This disease may lead to cirrhosis, liver damage and even liver failure. There are usually no symptoms of the fatty liver disease, and the cause of the disease is still not known. This diseases mostly affects people who are middle-aged, obese or diabetic.

There is generally no specific treatment for fatty liver diseases, but patients are advised to eat a balanced diet, quit alcohol and increase physical activity to shed pounds. If you have a fatty liver disease, then losing weight may reverse the disease to some extent.

Liver disease is common these days. Book a health checkup package now to keep liver problems at bay.

6. Depression

This is one of the leading diseases caused by obesity. It is a well-known fact that obesity causes psychological problems too. Many clinical studies have shown that obese people are about 25 % more likely to experience depression in comparison to those who are not obese.

When you gain too much weight, you lose confidence, and this increases the stress levels in the body and leads to psychological problems such as anxiety, mood swings, aggressive behaviour and much more. Obesity can cause low self-esteem, poor self-image and social isolation; all factors that contribute to depression. Obese people are often stereotyped and made fun of which make them feel left out, and hence they start taking a lot of stress.

On the other hand, depression is one of the reasons why people gain weight. So, the best thing to do is keep yourself calm, practice meditation, focus on your hobbies and surround yourself with supportive people to beat stress. And eat a balanced diet to keep obesity away from your life. Depression is one of the major diseases caused by obesity.

7. Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a health condition that causes pain and stiffness in joints. It is a condition that is generally related to ageing or an injury that affects the joints of the hands, knees, hips and lower back.

Obesity is one of the major risk factors for osteoarthritis. That is because extra weight puts lots of pressure on joints and cartilage and cause them to wear away. Additionally, obese people have higher blood levels of substances that lead to inflammation, and inflammation increases the risk of osteoarthritis. Losing at least 5% of your body weight can decrease the pressure on your hips, knees and lower back and reduce inflammation. This, in turn, can improve the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

8. Kidney Disease

One of the leading diseases caused by obesity is kidney disease. The major functions of the kidney include filtering blood and removing toxins from the body in the form of urine. The kidneys also control blood pressure to keep your body healthy. When kidney disease occurs, the blood is not filtered, and wastes get stored in the body, which leads to many health problems.

Obesity elevates the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes, and these are the most common causes of chronic kidney disease. Even if it does not result in diabetes and high blood pressure, the chances are that obesity will harm your kidneys in the long run.
So, to prevent kidney disease, you must maintain your body weight. Eat foods rich in nutrients and reduce the consumption of salt to keep your blood pressure under control. To evaluate your kidney health, get a health checkup done now.

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9. Heart Disease

Heart disease is one of the leading diseases caused by obesity. Obesity can even lead to a heart attack or stroke. According to the American Heart Association, people who are obese have a higher risk of having a heart attack before the age of 45.

Obesity and overweight increase blood pressure and it is a well-known fact that high blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke. Obesity also elevates your chances of developing other problems related to strokes, such as high blood sugar, heart disease and high cholesterol. So, you should lose your weight if you are obese to keep your blood pressure in control. Lowering blood sugar helps in lowering the risk for stroke.

10. Skin Infections

You will be surprised to know that obesity also leads to skin problems. Being obese may cause skin problems due to several factors. Change in hormones may cause acanthosis nigricans, which are dark in colour. On the other hand, stretching of the skin may lead to stretch marks.

Increased strain on the leg veins may result in leg swelling, dermatitis and ulcers. Retained moisture in the body may aggravate the growth of fungi and bacteria, leading to skin rashes. And the foot may develop calluses and corns due to the increased weight. So, exercise and eat a healthy diet to keep your skin healthy  and glowing.

These were the top 10 diseases caused by obesity. Being obese is not good at all; hence, you should adopt a healthy lifestyle to keep obesity and other diseases at bay.


How is Obesity Treated?

There are several approaches and therapies used to reduce weight. These include:

A Modified Diet:  An achievable weight loss goal is 1 to 2 pounds per week. This can be achieved by cutting 500 to 1000 calories from your diet each day. You can eat less fat and fewer carbohydrates to achieve these goals. Fats are more dangerous than carbohydrates. Even if you cut out carbohydrate from your diet, you will still need to limit your consumption of fat. You should also keep in mind that not all kinds of fat are bad. Opt for healthy fats, such as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated oils.

Exercise: Doing regular exercise is a must to lose weight. One needs to do moderate intensity exercise for 1 hour at least 4 days a week. Do a blend of cardio and strength training exercises to lose weight quickly and more effectively.

Aerobic Exercises

Try to be physically active wherever and whenever possible. Take the stairs and get up from the sofa and desk for 5 minutes every hour.

Medications: Your doctor may prescribe you some medications as they are a part of a weight management program. Medications, however, are not “magic cures” that lead to permanent weight loss. They are commonly used in combination with a proper diet and exercise regime. Medications are mostly given to those who are classified as obese (those with a BMI over 30).

Surgery: In severe cases of obesity, weight-loss surgery (also known as bariatric surgery) may be considered if your BMI is 40 or greater, or if your BMI is between 30 to 35 and you have at least 1 health condition that is directly related to obesity. Surgery is also done when a patient is obese and have participated in a structured weight loss program but didn’t get success.

The most common types of surgical procedures include:

Gastroplasty – It is also known as stomach stapling. During this surgery, a surgeon creates a small pouch in the stomach that allows limited amounts of food to be eaten at a time.

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding – In this, a surgeon places a band which is adjustable around the stomach with minimally invasive surgery.

Gastric bypass – This is one of the most effective weight loss surgeries. But it is also risky and complicated. It can pose serious complications, both short term and long term. In this surgery, a small pouch in the upper part of the stomach is created by the surgeon. Then a hole is made in the small intestine, and the pouch is attached to the hole, bypassing the rest of the stomach and top part of the small intestine.

How can Obesity be Prevented?

Obesity can be prevented if you follow a healthy diet plan and some healthy lifestyle tips.

Following are some of the effective ways to prevent obesity:

1. Eat Fruits and Vegetables

Healthy Foods

If you don’t want obesity to harm your health ever, then you should eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Your diet should consist mainly of fruits and vegetables (except potatoes). Why not potatoes? Because potatoes and other starchy vegetables are not very good for you as they are loaded with carbs and are made worse when they are fried in oil or butter.

2. Consume High Protein and High-Fat Dairy

Protein is the building block of muscle and is an essential part of our diet. Protein helps to build and strengthen your muscle and also suppresses your appetite. This helps you feel full for longer and stops you from eating junk food.

Eat a normal amount of dairy products every day because they dairy is an excellent source of calcium. However, do not overeat dairy because it can make you gain weight.
Eat low-fat yoghurt and dairy products that are low in fats.

3. Go for a Regular Health Check Up

As already stated above in the blog, weight gain is not always a cause of bad eating habits and leading a sedentary life. One can gain weight due to medications, medical conditions and hormonal imbalance. Prevention is better than cure. That is why it is best to go for a health checkup regularly to stay aware of our health.

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4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water is one of the best ways to lose weight and prevent obesity. There are numerous benefits of drinking water. Drinking water helps keep our skin healthy, get rid of toxins and keep you energetic. Research suggests that if you increase your water intake, the weight will start slowly coming off. Everyone should drink at least three litres of water every day.

5. Avoid the Consumption of Refined Grains and Processed Foods

Packaged, refined foods are accessible to everyone, and that is one of the major reasons why cases of obesity are on the rise. When people are hungry, they can easily grab a cookie, bag of chips or bread to curb their hunger pangs. But that is not going to benefit your health.
The more processed food is, the fewer nutrients it will have. So limit your consumption of refined grains and processed foods to prevent obesity.

6. Do not Skip Breakfast

I think this has been said by many health bloggers that one should never skip their breakfast. It is the most essential meal of the day that provides you energy and helps you stay healthy. When you do not eat proper breakfast, you search for high calories food later in the day, because you want to feel energetic.

High Fibre Foods as Breakfast

Eat a healthy breakfast so that you can consume fewer calories the rest of the day. Make sure to add protein to your breakfast. There are many healthy breakfast recipes to lose weight that you can try.

7. Don’t Watch Too Much TV

If you spend too much in front of a TV, you must quit this habit or else it will take a toll on your health. Yes, it is hard to miss shows that you love, but you have to think about the repercussions of watching too much TV too.
Start by cutting out 30 minutes of TV and computer usage every day. This will help you prevent obesity and lead a healthier life.

8. Sleep Well

Not getting adequate sleep is one of the reasons why people gain weight. We live a hectic life nowadays where we have to work even after getting back at home or binge-watch Netflix series because it entertains us. But do not compromise on your sleep because doing this can make you unhealthy.

Sleep regulates the hormones ghrelin and leptin. Not getting enough sleep causes hormonal imbalance and makes you eat more at night. Lack of sleep makes people crave fatty foods, and then people end up consuming excess calories. So do not let your emotions go haywire and get proper sleep to stay healthy and fit.

9. Be Physically Active

This is so obvious, isn’t it? Exercise plays a crucial role in weight loss. Being physically active will not only help you prevent obesity but will also keep a host of diseases like diabetes, heart disease, etc. at bay.

Exercise every day to prevent obesity. You can do cardio exercises like walking, jogging, cycling, etc. along with a few strength training exercises to lose weight more effectively. To find the best gym in Delhi, click here.

10. Stay Happy

Stress is directly related to weight gain and is one of the leading causes of weight gain. Managing stress will not only make you a lot happier but also healthier.

When we take stress, our body produces cortisol and higher cortisol levels creates other hormonal imbalances that lead to making poorer life choices. Feeling lazy, reaching for junk food, and not exercising are some of the side effects of taking too much stress.

Being happy is being Healthy !

Try meditation to beat stress. You can also take help of your good friends and share your problems with them if you are stressed. Write down your problems on a piece of paper and then crush the paper and throw it in a bin. This is another technique to beat stress.

Life is full of ups and downs, so instead of taking stress over petty matters, try to focus on positive things and move on. Focus on the present, forget the past, and don’t worry too much about the future.

11. Do not Eat Outside

If you eat outside, there will be two disadvantages: you will be spending too much money and wreak havoc on your health. Food that you get outside is full of fat, sugar and salt and make you consume excess calories.

And do not fool yourself by thinking that if you are eating vegetable curries and chapatis outside, then you are not harming yourself. The oil restaurants use to cook food is usually not healthy, and they put sauces and ingredients in the curries that can harm your health.
Hence, you should avoid eating outside and eat homemade food. This will save money in your pocket and not ruin your health too.

12. Keep Healthy Food in Stock

If you do not keep healthy foods in your house, you will reach for junk food always. Stock your fridge with fruits, vegetables, and low-calories snacks and drinks.

Healhty Food

Do not keep candies, refined grains, and junk food in your house because if you see them, you will eat them.
Stick to healthy foods to prevent obesity.

13. Give Yourself a Little Treat

Our taste buds must be satisfied sometimes. Do not always curb your cravings and go out and eat your favourite food at least two or three times a month. This will keep your stomach and taste buds happy.

What are the Best Home Remedies for Obesity?

Do you want to speed up the weight loss process and shed pounds faster? Well, then try these home remedies for obesity which will make you lose weight more effectively. If you want to shed fat, then you must eat a healthy diet and hit the gym regularly. But apart from that, you can also use certain home remedies to get a slimmer body in a quick span of time. So, let’s explore the various natural solutions for weight loss.

1. Cumin
Cumin improves digestion and is a fantastic source of iron and fibre that helps in controlling blood sugar and curbing your appetite. It enhances the body heat and promotes weight loss.

How to Use it for Weight Loss

Simply, take two tablespoons cumin, one-half lemon and one glass of filtered water. Now, start by soaking cumin in water and leave overnight. In the morning, you have to boil the soaked cumin seeds with the water and filter water into a glass. Allow it to cool and once it cools down a bit, add lemon juice and stir well. Drink this mixture every day in the morning on an empty stomach for two weeks to lose weight quickly.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar is truly an excellent remedy for weight loss. It contains pectin that makes you feel full for longer and stops you from overeating unhealthy food. Furthermore, Apple Cider Vinegar contains acetic acid that helps in suppressing the accumulation of body fat and promotes fat loss.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Bring these ingredients to the table: one tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar, one cup warm water and one tablespoon honey. Now, mix apple cider vinegar and honey with warm water. Stir thoroughly and drink this mixture once in the evening and one hour before having your dinner. Follow this process for at least one week to get inches off your waist.

3. Garlic

Garlic is one of the most common ingredients used in the kitchen. Garlic does not only enhance the flavour of our food; it helps in shedding pounds too. Garlic is packed with allicin which lowers bad cholesterol and reduces unhealthy fats. Aside from that, garlic also helps in boosting metabolism and allows your body to burn more calories, which in turn helps in weight loss. This is one of the best home remedies for obesity.

How to Use it for Weight Loss

Take four to five garlic cloves and one cup low-fat milk. Soak garlic cloves in a cup of hot low-fat milk. Wait for twenty minutes and then eat the raw garlic with milk. Consume this half an hour after your dinner. Follow this remedy for two weeks to burn fat and have a slim body.

4. Cinnamon and Honey

Cinnamon and honey work as an excellent detox drink. Both cinnamon and honey have amazing characteristics that help you in shedding pounds effectively. Both of these ingredients boost metabolism, help lower Bad Cholesterol, suppress appetite and helps you burn belly fat.

Honey for Weight Loss

How to Use Cinnamon and Honey for Weight Loss

Take one teaspoon cinnamon powder and one tablespoon honey. Mix both of these ingredients in a cup of hot water. When it cools slightly, start sipping it. Consume this mixture twice a day. You can have this drink one hour before your lunch and 30 minutes before bedtime for quick weight loss.

5. Carrot Beet Juice

Both carrot and beet are loaded with fibre which makes them excellent fat burners. Both of these foods helps in suppressing appetite, boosting metabolism and lowering cholesterol levels. Other than that, they are also rich in antioxidants that help in preventing heart disease and fighting cancer.

How to Use Carrot and Beet for Weight Loss

Take two medium-sized carrots, one beetroot, a slice of lemon and one-half teaspoon black salt. Start by washing carrot and beetroot properly and then peel off the skin and chop into small pieces. Put into the blender with water and blend until smooth. Filter and strain the juice into a glass and add lemon juice and black salt to it. Drink this fat burning juice daily for breakfast for one week to get a slimmer body.

6. Flaxseed

Flaxseeds are rich in fibre and thereby help in weight loss. Flaxseeds help in regulating sugar and insulin and also improve digestion. Furthermore, flaxseed is a rich source of lignans, which is a powerful antioxidant that uplift metabolism, increase body heat and thus promotes weight loss.

How to Use it for Weight Loss

Simply, roast a handful of flaxseeds in a pan on a low flame. Add a pinch of black salt, chilli powder and pepper powder and consume it as an evening snack. This is one of the best home remedies for obesity, and hence, you must try it once.

7. Cayenne

Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin which helps in reducing the body weight. Also, capsaicin is a thermogenic chemical which boosts the metabolism of the body and decreases the appetite. Consuming cayenne pepper regularly can help you lose weight quickly.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

In a glass of warm water, add ¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper and juice of half a lemon. Stir thoroughly and drink this mixture in the morning after your breakfast.

8. Green Tea

Green tea is a popular choice for those who want to lose weight. Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, both of which play a vital role in weight loss.

Green tea for weight loss

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Take one teaspoon of green tea and add it to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for five minutes. Mix little honey in it and drink warm.

9. Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is loaded with fibre, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, and phosphorous. All these vitamins and minerals are essential for weight loss.

Apart from that, lemon juice also helps to improve digestion and detoxify the body. It also contains citric acid that helps in burning fat.
Plus, lemon juice helps remove toxins from your body and boost metabolism. So you must add lemon to your diet if you want to get into shape.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Take three teaspoons of lemon juice, one teaspoon of honey and one-half teaspoon of black pepper powder and mix all the ingredients in a glass of water. Drink this in the morning on an empty stomach.
You can also have a cup of warm water mixed with a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice in the morning.

10. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a traditional medicine that we have been using since ages. Aloe vera is used for wound healing, antiseptic properties and anti-inflammatory activity. According to a study, the phytosterols isolated from aloe vera gel is effective in reducing body fat accumulation in obese diabetic animal models.

Aloe vera contains natural collagen proteins that make the body work harder to absorb the proteins. It also boosts digestion and removes toxins from the body.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Peel two fresh aloe vera leaves and scoop out the pulp. Put it into a blender along with 1 cup of citrus juice, or simply water. Blend for two minutes and drink this every day for at least a month.

11. Curry Leaves

Curry leaves are generally used for flavouring dishes, but they can be used for achieving weight loss goals too. They are rich in carbohydrates, fibre, carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, minerals, protein and oxalic acid. Curry leaves have all the essential nutrients you require to lose weight.

Curry leaves also contain mahanimbine, an alkaloid that has anti-obesity effects. It helps reduce total cholesterol and lower body weight.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Eat curry leaves on a regular basis to lose weight.

12. Black Pepper

Piperine, a compound contained in black pepper gives it its pungent flavour and possess fat reducing and lipid-lowering activities that can help you lose weight.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Take one teaspoon of black pepper powder and add it to tea, salad, or any dish. Do this every day to lose weight.

13. Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is low in calories and is an excellent substitute for other juices.
It is a rich source of antioxidants and helps remove toxins from the body and boost metabolism which in turn promotes weight loss.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Drink a glass of cranberry juice (unsweetened) once a day, preferably before a meal.

14. Ginger

Ginger reduces hunger pangs and helps you consume fewer calories. It also helps in enhancing thermogenesis which assists in burning the extra fat.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Take one teaspoon of grated ginger and add it to a cup of hot water. Allow it to steep for five to seven minutes and then strain. Add a little honey to the tea and stir well. Drink immediately.

15. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids which promote weight loss. Apart from that, it also helps boost metabolism which in turn helps achieve their weight loss goals.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

You can consume one tablespoon of virgin coconut oil every day. You can also add coconut oil to your dishes to lose weight.

16. Parsley Juice

Parsley juice is rich in vitamin C which boosts digestion and aids fat oxidation. Hence, it is one of the best remedies for weight loss.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Take one cup of parsley leaves and blend them. Add juice of half a lemon and little honey to it. Stir well and drink this on an empty stomach. Do this once every morning for 5 days and then again after a break of ten days.

17. Bottle Gourd

Bottle Gourd helps in dissolving the extra fat from the body. It is also loaded with fibre which suppresses your appetite and makes you feel full.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Drink bottle gourd juice every day to stay healthy and fit.

18. Baking Soda

Baking soda has properties that help purify the liver, regulate the levels of bad cholesterol in the body, improve digestion and burn calories.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Take one glass of water and add one teaspoon of baking soda and juice of half a lemon to it. Stir properly and drink this in the morning before breakfast.

19. Honey and Lemon

This is one of the oldest remedies for weight loss. Both honey and lemon have minerals and vitamins that promote weight loss.

How to Use it For Weight Loss

Simply, take a glass of warm water and add one teaspoon of honey and juice of a lemon to it. Stir properly and drink.

20. Almonds

Almonds are rich in proteins and minerals and aid weight loss. Eating almonds every day helps boost metabolism and reduce your levels of “bad” cholesterol. It also helps lose belly fat.

How to Use it For Weight Loss
Eat four to five almonds every day in the morning to lose weight and stay healthy.

Try these simple home remedies for obesity. But don’t stop exercising if you want to lose weight in a quick span of time.

Obesity can be life-threatening, and hence it is best to eat a healthy diet and exercise to prevent it. However, sometimes we gain weight because of medical conditions. It is best to go for a routine health checkup to keep a tab on your health and prevent diseases.

Whole Body Checkup at 999

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