All you Wanted to Know About Vitamin D Deficiency

All you Wanted to Know About Vitamin D Deficiency

01-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   3982 View(s)

Why are we reading about the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency? Is this vitamin even essential for us? Dear readers, yes it is! It’s not only crucial for healthy bones, but it also has powerful effects of several systems throughout the body. Fortunately, your body makes it from cholesterol when skin is exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D, unlike other vitamins, acts like a hormone, and every single cell in your body has a receptor for it. All of us need to be a little careful while preparing our meals, keeping in mind that we include all the necessary nutrients to the meal we’re making. Almost all of us underestimate the power of vitamin D, don’t we? Ah, do you remember the last time you talked about vitamin D? Well, we don’t realise its importance as our body is capable of producing it.

Vitamins are nutrients which cannot be created by the body and need to be taken in through our diet. However, vitamin D can be synthesised by our body when sunlight hits our skin. It Helps in the absorption of calcium and promotes the cellular functions and mineralisation of the bones. It functions as a hormone and obstructs the release of the parathyroid hormone that makes the bones brittle.

It is generally estimated that exposure to sun on bare skin for about five to ten minutes, 2 to 3 times per week allows most people to produce sufficient quantities of vitamin D, but it breaks down quite quickly which effectively means that the store can run low especially in the winters.

Do you shun the sun because you’re afraid of that tanned body? Do you follow a strict vegan diet? Dear vegans! Not necessarily but yes there are chances that you may be at risk for vitamin D deficiency! People who are super conscious about their skin and tend to avoid the sun to avoid tan, you’ve got an option! There are some foods like fish liver oils, fatty fish, egg yolks and fortified dairy products you can include in your diet to compensate for the lack of vitamin D. But do we all know about the various signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency? Don’t worry! No need to run your fingers on your keyboard, scroll down and keep reading! Let us discuss the most common signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

1. Bone Pain
Do you complain of bone pain? You need to get your vitamin D test done! Vitamin D plays a significant role in maintaining the bone health, and It also improves your body’s absorption of calcium. Now, when you don’t have it in a fair amount, isn’t it quite evident that your health or your body will have to ask for it! So, if you have been experiencing bone pain, rush to your doctor and ask him to test your vitamin D levels!

2. Tiredness and Fatigue

Your demanding schedules are not always to blame, try considering low vitamin D levels sometimes! Even modestly low levels of vitamin D can affect your energy levels, and fatigue becomes one of the most commonly overlooked symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. If you feel tired all the time your vitamin D low levels could be to blame. Try to fill your diet with some foods which are rich in vitamin D. However you can’t have it all by supplementing it in your diet; you need to show some love to the sun! So, you can feel a bit less lazy!

3. Falling sick too often and Impaired Wound Healing

Getting ill and infected often can be one of the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Many people always seem to be sick, no matter what precautions they take, their illnesses seem to linger longer than they do in others and have impaired wound Healing! If you frequently catch a cold and have poor wound healing your body might be running low on vitamin D.

4. Muscle and Back Pain

Vitamin D doesn’t only make you more prone to viruses and infections, but low vitamin D may also lead you to develop muscle pain and back pain. An observational study has shown a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and chronic lower back pain.

back pain

Another study examined the association between back pain and vitamin D levels in more than 9,000 older women. Also, the researchers found that those with a vitamin D deficiency were more likely to have back pain, including severe back pain that affected their daily activities.

5. Depression and Hair Loss

Stress has a strong connection with hair loss when it is severe; it may be due to the result of a nutrient deficiency or disease. According to a case study, adding vitamin D supplement to the diet was found to be successfully treating hair loss!

Your depressed mood may also be a sign of vitamin D deficiency. Few studies have linked vitamin D deficiency to depression, especially in older adults. Also, giving vitamin D to people who are deficient can result in improved depression and mood.

Tips To Manage Your Stress !

6. Body Aches

This again can be because of Deficiency of Vitamin D.If your Body Aches continue for no reasons-Its time to consult the doctor.

7. Low Mineral Density

Another symptom of Vitamin D Deficiency is Low Mineral Density. This essentially means that you need to ensure proper levels of Vitamin D in the Body.

According to ICMR, under situations of minimal exposure to sunlight, a specific recommendation of a daily supplement of 400 IU (10 µg) is required, followed by outdoor physical activity as a means of achieving adequate vitamin D status. So, do not forget to make physical activities an essential part of your schedule. Just try getting up 30 minutes before your regular time and make yourself healthier with daily exercise!

However, the Daily requirement of Vitamin D depends on age, gender, certain conditions like pregnancy and existing disorders if any. Traditionally the RDS is 400-600 I/U for Children and 600-800 I/U for adults. However current evidence points to much larger requirements.

Deficiency of Vitamin D can Cause :

If Vitamin D deficiency continues for long periods of time it can result in:
-Chronic fatigue syndrome
-Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease

Vitamin D deficiency may also contribute to the development of certain cancers, especially breast, prostate, and colon cancers. Because of the same, it is always advisable to go in for consultation with an Orthopaedic Doctor to find out the causes and take remedial action as soon as possible.

Watch out for Cancer Symptoms and Stay Protected

What Can Help!

Morning Walk

Yes, there are a lot of food options to kick off vitamin d deficiency but you can’t self-treat in severe cases. Rush to the doctor if you have been experiencing any of these signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Switch to a healthy diet, eat well, sleep well and keep a check on your health.

What Aids Vitamin D Deficiency?

Modern Day lifestyle in which people are caught up in commuting in a motorised vehicle from home to office and office to home rarely get time for outdoor activities especially during the best times for sunlight exposure. Children rarely play outdoors and prefer instead to be with their gadgets coupled with food habits involving lower consumption of milk and going in for more of processed foods.

Here are some of the Best Natural Sources of Vitamin D


Sunlight is the perfect way to give your body Vitamin D. But because sunlight can also cause skin cancer, it is not recommended to spend too much time in the sun. If you want to get Vitamin D from sunlight, then you can spend time outside for about 20-25 minutes under the sun. Also, getting yourself exposed to the sun does not mean that you enjoy the sunshine from inside your house where sun rays are breaking in through your windows. You must step out and enjoy the sun to get Vitamin D.


This finger-licking food is a rich source of Vitamin D. Mushrooms grow in sunlight and are great at absorbing sunlight, which makes them a perfect source of Vitamin D. Also, they are full of B-complex vitamins such as B1, B2, B5 and other minerals like copper. You should choose mushrooms that are dried in natural sunlight so that you get a maximum of Vitamin D.

Amount of calcium you need


As a child, have you ever been scolded by your parents for not drinking milk? Well, most of us have! Since ages, milk has been in the demand as everyone is aware of its numerous health benefits. But, you will be surprised to know that one glass of milk provides 20% of your daily requirement of Vitamin D.
So, make it a habit of drinking one glass of milk every day as it is an effective way to get Vitamin D. You must remember that dairy products like cheese or yoghurt do not contain Vitamin D; it’s best to take fluid milk or products made from whole milk to get this Vitamin.

4. Curd

The curd is a Good Source of Vitamin D so do not forget to incorporate this into your diet.

5. Cheese

Cheese again is a source of Vitamin D for the Body.

6.Egg Yolks

Eggs are the easiest way to get Vitamin D. There are so many egg recipes that you can try; for instance, you can have eggs for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even dessert. An egg yolk is loaded with Vitamin D; thus it is essential to use the whole egg to get Vitamin D.

Egg is a Source of Vitamin D

7.Orange Juice

Do you like this tangy fruit? If you do, you must include orange juice to your diet as those who do not like milk can start their day with a glass of fresh orange juice. A cup of Orange juice contains 100 IU Vitamin D. Scared to drink milk to get Vitamin D? Grab some oranges and drink orange juice to get this essential Vitamin D.

8.Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is not only full of Vitamin D; it is also loaded with other vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Omega-3 fatty acids. One tablespoon of Cod Liver Oil contains 1300 IUs of Vitamin D.

If you consume this oil on a regular basis, then it can give you many health benefits, such as it can keep your bones healthy, prevent osteoporosis and improve brain activity. Do you not like the strong smell and flavour of Cod Liver Oil? If you don’t, then you can take cod liver oil in the capsule form.


Salmon is a tasty food which is also one of the best sources of Vitamin D. 3.5 ounces of salmon can provide you with 80% of the daily requirement of Vitamin D. A 3-ounce salmon fillet contains 450 IUs of Vitamin D, and you also get Omega-3 fatty acid which is highly beneficial for health.

How to find if you have this Deficiency or Not?

A Simple Blood test can help in determining your Vitamin D Levels. Overnight fasting is preferred for the same and report for the same is usually available within 12 hours. To Get Tested for Vitamin D click Here.

Getting an adequate amount of Vitamin D for our health is important. Get the sunshine in the early morning and include the foods mentioned in the article to get your daily dose of Vitamin D! Should you face any issues arising from the deficiency of Vitamin D -Do not hesitate to Consult a Good Doctor and get a Vitamin D Test Done from a Reputed Lab to get the concerns sorted out as early as possible.

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