Home remedies for Pest Control

Home remedies for Pest Control

Name any one who does not hate the very sight of those creepy creatures- pests and rodents.We all strive to keep our homes clear from all such nuisances and look forward to having a Pest Free Home.While a Professional Pest control  Service can be expensive-Here are some natural and Practical Home remedies for pest control which can effectively address minor infestations and prevent pests from entering your living space to keep you Healthy and Happy.

1. Ants:

Cinnamon: Just Sprinkle cinnamon around entry points and areas where ants are present. Ants dislike the scent, and it can act as a natural deterrent.

Vinegar: Take equal parts water and white vinegar and use the solution to wipe down surfaces and areas where ants frequent.

Cornmeal: Just put small piles of Cornmeal in areas where you see ants.Ants like to eat them and find it difficult to digest so it will keep them away for long.

White Vinegar: This is one item you should always have handy in your pantry, as it comes to the rescue often as a gentle cleanser. This time, try it to eliminate ant trails in your home. Take two cups of water, add a ¼ cup of white vinegar, and a few drops of Peppermint or eucalyptus oil. Use it to wash the area where you last saw ants, and they will go marching off.

Coffee Grounds:After you get your caffeine fix, sprinkle those soggy grounds outside your house where you believe the bugs have found their way in. The remains of your dark roast will offend pests and other critters, but for ants in particular, your morning cup of Joe is a killer.

 2. Cockroaches:

Baking Soda and Sugar: Create a mixture of baking soda and sugar. The sugar attracts cockroaches, while the baking soda acts as a lethal agent when ingested.

Bay Leaves: Place bay leaves in areas where cockroaches are prevalent. The scent is known to repel them.

Essential Oil:Get a spray bottle and fill it with water, then add about five to 10 drops of the Tea tree or eucalyptus Oil. Spray the affected areas; you could also saturate cotton balls and leave them in areas where you’ve seen the creepy crawlers:

3. Flies:

Fly Traps: Mix a Few drops of Dish Soap with Apple cider vinegar to create a homemade fly trap. Place the solution in a container, and then all that you need to do is cover the container with plastic wrap and make small holes in it. Flies get attracted to the vinegar but get caught in the soapy solution.

Essential Oils: Use essential oils like eucalyptus, citronella, or Peppermint to create a natural fly repellent. Mix a few drops with water and spray in fly-prone areas.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Put a little bit of Apple cider in a bowl and ensure that the Bowl is properly covered by a plastic wrap.Just puncture a few pencil sized holes in the plastic wrap.The aroma will attract the flies to the vinegar and once they get in they wont be able to get out thus acting as a natural trap 

Sweet Basil :Sweet Basil too can help in keeping the flies away.Just plant a pot of sweet basil and place it in a sunny spot next to the entrance or any other door.It will help in keeping the flies away

Essential Oil:Cover a spray bottle with water, then add five to 10 drops of Rosemary, Peppermint, eucalyptus or basil oil. Spray to get rid of Flies.

 4. Mosquitoes:

Citrus Peels: Place citrus peels, such as those from lemons or oranges, in areas where mosquitoes gather. The scent can act as a natural deterrent.

Neem Oil: Apply a mixture of neem oil and carrier oil and apply it to the skin. Neem oil has mosquito-repelling properties and can be your saviour.

Essential Oil:Is there anything essential oils can’t do? Cover a spray bottle with water, then add about five to 10 drops of Peppermint, lemongrass or tea tree oil. This will act as a natural Mosquito Repellant.

Herbs are a great way to add fresh, vibrant flavour to meals. Still, they’ll ruin the appetites of insects, particularly mosquitoes. If you’re outdoors, add a few sprigs of Rosemary or sage to the barbecue or fire pit to keep those annoying visitors away.

5. Spiders:

Vinegar and Water: Mix water and white vinegar equally and keep them in a spray bottle. Spray the solution in corners, cracks, and crevices where spiders may enter.

Chestnuts: Place chestnuts around windows and doors, as spiders dislike their scent.

6. Mice and Rats:

Peppermint Oil: Smell of Peppermint does not appeal at all to the rats and puts them away.Keeping Peppermint Oil in a bowl and put some Cotton balls in it till they get appropriately soaked. You can then place the cotton balls in areas where mice are expected. The pungent aroma of Peppermint acts as a deterrent and repels the mice.

Steel Wool: Stuff steel wool into cracks and gaps where mice can enter. They can’t chew through steel wool.

Onions: Rats hate the smell of onions and puts them away though it can be toxic as they rot quickly and need to be replaced every second day with a fresh one.

Hot Pepper Flakes: DIY your anti-mice concoction by mixing chopped garlic with water. You can also leave garlic cloves at the entry points of your home.

Cloves: Mice don’t like cloves.You can very well keep them away by placing a bunch of Cloves in a pantyhose or a muslin cloth near suspected rat holes. 

Ammonia: By now, you must be aware that mice hate strong smells. Pour Ammonia into small bowls and place them near their favourite spots.

7. Fleas:

Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkle food-grade diatomaceous earth on carpets and pet bedding. This fine powder is safe for pets but deadly to fleas.

Lemon Spray: Boil sliced lemons in water and let it steep overnight. Spray the lemon-infused water on pet bedding and areas frequented by pets.

8. Termites:

Cardboard Traps: Wet a piece of cardboard and place it near termite-infested areas. Termites are attracted to cellulose in the cardboard, making it a simple trap.

Nematodes: Introduce beneficial nematodes to your garden soil. These microscopic worms feed on termite larvae.

9. Dust Mites:

Eucalyptus Oil: Add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil while washing the laundry.Eucalyptus Oil gives a good aroma to the clothes and is know to have great mite-repelling properties

Frequent Washing: It is highly recommended to Wash bedding, curtains, and other fabric items frequently in hot water to eliminate dust mites.

10.Lady Bugs

Clove :Placing cloves or clove oil or even sprinkling some oil in areas which are heavily infested with Ladybugs can get you rid of Ladybugs.

11.Natural Fly Traps for Bees

Fill an empty soda bottle with some sweetened water—you can use sugar, syrup, honey or even overripe fruit. Add a few drops of vinegar to keep the bees away. The flies will zoom into the bottle for a sip of something sweet, but once their wings are wet, they won’t be able to fly back out.

If you’ve got fruit flies in your kitchen, try apple cider vinegar. Put a little in a bowl or a glass and cover with plastic wrap, then poke some holes in the surface. Those little buggers will fly into the holes, but they won’t be able to get out again.

While these remedies can be effective for minor infestations, severe pest problems may require professional intervention. Additionally, maintaining a clean and clutter-free living space is essential for preventing pest infestations in the first place.