Fed up of white hair? Try these tips to get rid of white hair!
23-08-2017 | Posted By: Chhavi | 19574 View(s)
White Hair or grey strands of hair can make anyone get frustrated and embarrassed. It is true that our hair change when we grow old. But having grey strands of hair in the 20s is not something that is considered a normal problem. When your hair starts losing its pigment, the hair starts to turn grey and white. The hair turns grey when there is a significant reduction in the pigment, while it turns white when there is no pigment at all present in the hair.
Do you get jealous of that friend who has beautiful shiny, black hair? Well, let’s just accept the fact that most of us envy those who have gorgeous, black hair. But, don’t you worry at all! When I am here, you have got nothing to worry about. Today, I am going to share with you some of the best home remedies for black hair. If you are already blessed with black hair, then pass on these knowledgeable tips to those who want to get black locks, and if not, then it’s time to change the fate.
Now, the question is ‘ Why Does Hair Turn Grey? ’ and what can we do to get rid of grey hair. Well, don’t worry because we have all the answers for you. Let us now understand what causes our black hair to turn into white.
What are the Causes of White Hair?
1. Genetics
If your parents or grandparents had grey or white hair, at an early stage, then there are chances that you too will notice grey hair at an early stage. That is because genetics play a major role in premature greying of the hair.
2. Stress
We all take stress now and then, don’t we? It is common to feel a little stressed out when life is not going smoothly. But, if we start taking too much stress on petty problems, it will reflect on our health and hair too. Chronic stress can cause a lot of health problems like sleep disorders, change in appetite, high blood pressure, anxiety and premature greying of hair.
A recent study found a link between stress and depletion of stem cells in the hair follicles of mice. Various other studies suggest that there is a strong connection between stress and premature greying of hair. So, beat stress to prevent premature greying of hair.
You can manage your stress easily if you do meditation.
3. Deficiency of Vitamin B-12
If your hair strands have started turning grey at a young age, then it could indicate a deficiency of vitamin B-12 in your body. Vitamin B-12 keeps you energised and helps in keeping your hair healthy. Your body requires enough vitamin B-12 to carry oxygen to cells in your body, including hair cells. Deficiency of vitamin B-12 can make your hair cells weak and affect melanin production, resulting in greying of hair.
To know if you are vitamin B-12 deficient, go for a health checkup now.
4. Smoking
Smoking is another one of the leading causes of premature greying of hair. Various studies claim that there is a strong connection between the onset of grey hair before the age of 30 and cigarette smoking. Smoking constricts blood vessels, which in turn hamper blood flow to hair follicles and result in hair loss and greying of hair. Besides, cigarettes contain toxins which damage hair follicles, causing premature greying of hair. So, why does hair turn grey? The answer is smoking! If you do smoke, then quit smoking now to live a healthier life.
5. Certain Health Conditions
There are certain medical conditions such as thyroid problems that can make your hair turn white at an early stage. Doctors say that an underactive or overactive thyroid can cause your body to produce less melanin, resulting in premature greying of hair. That is why it is recommended to go for a health checkup on a regular basis because it helps to detect health disease at an early stage.
Thyroid problems such as Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism leads to hormonal changes which also lead to greying of hair. If the thyroid is not functioning in a proper manner, then it can influence the colour of your hair too! If you have an underactive thyroid or an overactive thyroid, then it can affect the production of melanin in your body, which in turn can cause white hair. To know if you have a thyroid problem, get a health checkup done.
6. Chemical Laden Products
Sometimes excessive use of products which are filled with chemicals such as shampoos, soaps, hair dyes, etc. can cause premature greying of hair. Thus, it is advised to use natural products for hair and skin care.
7. Autoimmune Disease
The autoimmune disease makes the body’s immune system attack its own cells. For instance, if someone is suffering from vitiligo, the immune system can attack his or her hair follicles and cause loss of pigment.
8. Melanin Deficiency in Body
Most of the times, deficiency of melanin in the body is the leading cause of early white hair. If you are not taking a proper nutritious diet, then it will affect the production of melanin in your body. In most cases, vitamin B12 deficiency plays a lead role in the production of melanin.
Your body needs vitamin B-12 for keeping red blood cells healthy, which carry oxygen to cells in your body, including hair cells. Hence, you must increase your intake of vitamin B-12 rich foods to increase your melanin production and prevent premature greying of hair.
What are the Best Remedies to Get Rid of White Hair Naturally?
1. Indian Gooseberry (Amla)
We all are aware of the many benefits of Indian Gooseberry. Indian Gooseberry is known to strengthen the hair follicles, keeps the scalp healthy and also helps in preventing premature greying of hair.
All you need to do is blend two tablespoons of pure amla powder, juice of one lemon and two glasses of water thoroughly. Keep the mixture in a clean container and use this to shampoo your hair. You will get those long, shiny and black locks if you try this wonderful remedy on a regular basis.
Alternatively, take four to five Amla or Indian Gooseberries and crush them to make a fine paste. Apply this smooth paste to the scalp and let it stay for 15 minutes. Rinse off with water. This is one of the most common methods to get rid of white hair.
2. Lemon and Coconut Oil
This is an ancient remedy to keep your hair healthy and strong. Both coconut oil and lemon help in keeping the scalp healthy and treat hair follicles which have lost their natural charm and grace. If you want to get longer, thicker and stronger hair, then you must try this remedy. Also, it will help you get black hair in a quick span of time.
It is simple to make this mixture: Just take half a cup of pure coconut oil and heat it on low flame until it is hot. Now, add the juice of half a lemon to it and blend well. That’s it! Your solution is ready to use! Just wait for some time so that it cools down and once it does, massage your hair and scalp with this mixture all the way from roots to the tips.
Let the solution go deep into your pores and hair follicles; this will provide your hair and scalp with proper nourishment that it needs and give the best treatment to turn grey hair into black naturally. Following this remedy on a regular basis can give you shiny, black hair in no time.
3. Henna and Indian Gooseberry
The benefits of Henna for hair must be known to you. It is used for promoting hair growth, and when mixed with Indian Gooseberry, it can work best to turn white hair into black. So, I am going to share with you one of the best home remedies for black hair, for which you will need three spoons of henna powder, a spoon of coffee powder and amla powder, each. Once you have all the ingredients right in front of you, start mixing them together in a bowl. Then add warm water to it so that you get a smooth paste. Let it soak for two hours and then apply on your hair. Let it stay for an hour and wash it off.
4. Hibiscus, Henna and Indian Gooseberry (Amla) Pack
Hibiscus, known as gurhal in Hindi, is a flower that works magically on the hair. It has the ability to make hair grow back and also helps you get black hair. On the other hand, henna and amla help in darkening white hair. All in all, this hair mask is one of the best to get black hair naturally at home.
For this remedy, take a few flowers of hibiscus, half a cup of henna powder and 12 cups of amla powder. When you have all these ingredients in front of your eyes, mix in four cups of water and then boil them. After a couple of minutes, you will see that the flower will leave its colour. Once the flower leaves its colour, stop boiling and let the mixture cool down. Once it cools down, mash everything with hands, and your pack will be ready! Apply this to your hair and scalp and wash off after two hours.
5. Coconut Oil and Fenugreek
Coconut oil and fenugreek are perhaps one of the most widely used home remedies for black hair. You can bring your dull hair back to life using fenugreek and coconut oil. Just take a few fenugreek seeds and soak them in water for a few hours. Then, mash them to form a smooth paste. Now, you need to combine fenugreek powder and coconut oil such that the powder gets dissolved completely. Use this amazing mixture to massage your hair and scalp to get black hair quickly and effectively.
6. Onion and Lemon Juice
Many of us are aware that onion keeps our hair healthy and promotes hair growth. But how many of us use it for hair? Hardly, anyone! If you want to get black hair, then you have to invest your time in taking care of your hair.
For this remedy, you will need a small onion and juice of a lemon. Just peel, slice and grind the onion to extract the juice from it. Take three spoons of onion juice and add the juice of a lemon to it. Blend the ingredients well and once you get a fine mixture, start applying it to your scalp and hair. Once you are done, keep a watch on the clock. You need to wash off after thirty minutes with a mild shampoo.
7. Onion Paste
Take an onion and peel off its skin. Then grind the onion to form a smooth paste. Thereafter, apply this smooth paste on your scalp and leave it on for half an hour. Shampoo your hair thoroughly because onions leave an unpleasant smell. Do this thrice a week for turning your white hair into black.
8. Hot Oil Massage
Take one teaspoon each of coconut oil, almond oil and jojoba oil and mix well. Heat the mixture slightly and apply the combination of these warm oils to your scalp and hair. Keep it on for just a few hours and wash off with regular shampoo.
9. Henna leaves and Fenugreek Seeds (Methi Dana)
This fenugreek seeds pack is one of the best home remedies for black hair which works quickly and efficiently.
Take ½ cup each of henna powder and fenugreek powder and mix them with enough water so that it forms into a smooth consistency. Done? Now, simply apply the paste to your scalp and let the pack work its magic for at least two hours. Once it gets dry, rinse off. Wait! It’s not done yet! You have to oil your hair at night and then shampoo the other day. Try this remedy for a month to get shiny, bouncy, black hair naturally.
Alternatively, take two teaspoons of henna, one teaspoon of fenugreek seed powder, one tablespoon of coffee powder, two tablespoons each of juice of mint leaves and tulsi leaves and blend to form a smooth consistency. Apply this paste to the hair and let it stay for a minimum of 2 hours to a maximum of four hours. Rinse your hair with water and then wash off with a mild shampoo.
10. Amla (Indian Gooseberry) and Shikkakai
Are you frustrated because you have white hair? Don’t worry! Here is a tip that will give you your lovely black locks back.
For this remedy, you will need a handful of dried amla and seven to eight shikkakai pods. Put both the ingredients in four cups of water and boil them. You can also break them into small pieces before you boil them so that they dissolve faster. Then what? It’s simple! You just need to boil the amla and shikkakai until they get soft. Switch off the burner and remove the pan after about twenty minutes. Let it cool down.
After a few minutes, mash the amla and shikkakai and strain the water. Use this water as a hair cleanser. Wondering how to do that? Just, wet your hair and then apply this cleanser all over your hair and scalp. Let it stay for about half an hour and then rinse with normal water. Following this remedy twice a week will surely give you shiny, black hair and that too in the comfort of your home.
11. Sage and Rosemary
Take two cups of water and add one-half cup each of dried rosemary and sage to it. Bring it to boil and let it sit for a couple of hours. Then, strain the solution. After you shampoo your hair, use this solution as a hair rinse. Let it stay on your hair for 15 minutes before rinsing it out. Repeat this once a week to get rid of white hair.
12. Castor Oil and Mustard Oil
Take one tablespoon castor oil and two tablespoons mustard oil. Mix the oils and heat the blend for several minutes until it is slightly warm. Now, massage this mixture onto your scalp keep massaging for 15 minutes. Let it stay on your hair and Rinse your hair after half an hour using a mild shampoo and finish with conditioner. Do this 2 to 3 times a week.
13. Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil
Mix 1/8 cup coconut oil with ¼ cup curry leaves. Put the mixture in a small saucepan and cook over medium heat until boiling. Cover the pan and keep it aside. Let it cool at room temperature. Once it cools down, massage the oil into the scalp and hair. Keep it on for 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water with a gentle shampoo and conditioner. Follow this once a week.
14. Fenugreek and Coffee Powder
Take two teaspoons henna, one teaspoon fenugreek seed powder, one teaspoon curd, one tablespoon coffee powder, two tablespoons mint leaves and two tablespoons tulsi leaves. Blend all of these ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply this smooth paste to the hair and let it stay for 2 hours. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
15. Sesame Seed Oil
Take two tablespoons each of sesame seed oil and coconut oil. Mix both the oils and heat until it is slightly warm. Apply the mixture on your scalp and tips of your hair for about 15 minutes. Then cover your head with a warm towel and let the oil stay on your hair for the next 30 minutes. Wash off with a mild sulphate-free shampoo followed by conditioner. This is an effective remedy to get rid of white hair.
16. Black Tea for White Hair
Simply, boil two tablespoons of black tea in a cup of water until it is brewed properly. Then set it aside to cool. Once it gets cooled, strain the liquid and apply it thoroughly to your hair and scalp and massage gently for a few minutes. After that, wash your hair properly with a mild shampoo after an hour and finish with conditioner. Do this two times a week to get rid of white hair.
These remedies can help you get rid of white or grey hair. Also, you must eat a diet rich in vitamins to keep your hair healthy. You can also visit a Beauty salon to get a hair spa done. Beautiful hair is a result of a healthy diet and exercise. So, love your hair, and it will surely love you back. After all, ‘Life is Too Short to Have Boring Hair.’If you are experiencing premature greying of hair, then you should consult a doctor and get a health checkup done because premature greying of hair can be a sign of vitamin deficiency or other health problems.