Parenting Tips to keep your Preschool Kids Stress-Free

20-12-2014   |   Posted By: Admin  |   2472 View(s)

It is usually believed that only adults are prone to mental stress, but this fact is not entirely true in general. Preschool kids also pass through the problem of mental stress when they get unfavourable conditions of living or when they don’t gain proper care and attention by their guardians. [google_add] Some Effective Tips to keep your Preschool Kids Stress-Free Mothers need to keep their Kids close to their Heart Whe. Read more...

Daughters tend to be more concerned for their Old Parents than Sons

28-08-2014   |   Posted By: Admin  |   3200 View(s)

  New research has revealed that females endeavour to provide stark attention to their old parents more than twice as often as males. According to the recent studies, it has been found that families are having children of both sexes, it is the gender which determines, who will prove to be the better caretaker of the old parents. Researchers have found that females are more attentive of providing the care to their ageing parents' needs . Read more...