Countries where it is illegal to Disturb Employees after work hours

01-07-2024   |   259 View(s)

It is a common fact that employees do not ideally want to do any office related work once they get home.However the pressure of workplace does not give them the liberty to do so.Whereas employers have their reasons for getting in touch with employees-the employees on the other hand cite work-family life balance for the same.This is one issue which is a burning issue world wide but here are some countries who have either functional laws to protect. Read more...

List of Top 10 Countries with the Most Vegetarians in 2024

29-06-2024   |   224 View(s)

Vegetarianism is a practice in which one refrains from eating food items like fish, poultry, red meat and also the meat/flesh of other living animals. The diet followed in this custom is mainly derived from different kinds of plants or plant-based eatables. It might or might not include dairy products or eggs; this depends on what kind of vegetarian a person is.Here goes the list of Top Countries where Vegetarianism is prevalent most (By Percenta. Read more...

How we can Contribute to make Our Surroundings Environment Friendly

28-11-2023   |   1003 View(s)

In the face of the growing environmental challenges, the call for individuals to contribute towards creating a more sustainable and eco-friendly world has never been more urgent. Each of us can make a positive impact through conscious choices and daily habits that prioritize the well-being of our planet. In this Blog, we will try to find out the possible ways in which we can contribute towards an eco-friendly en. Read more...

Study finds blood groups A, B and Rh+ more prone to COVID

01-12-2021   |   1168 View(s)

The onset of the novel coronavirus brought along many new scientific discoveries ad debates. One of them is the possible link between blood types and COVID-19 risks. There have been studies suggesting a specific blood type to be more prone to coronavirus infections, while researchers have nullified such claims and have concluded that there is no link between blood types and coronavirus links. [google_add] Having said that, a new study released . Read more...

30% Indians have Hypertension says Lancet study

27-08-2021   |   1463 View(s)

30% Indians have hypertension, says Lancet study tracking high blood pressure around world The study is an international collaboration, including, among others, scientists from Imperial College London and the Indian Council of Medical Research. The number of adults living with hypertension worldwide has doubled over the last 30 years, with over 30 per cent of Indians suffering from high blood pressure, reported a study published in The Lancet. Read more...

Eating more plant foods may lower heart disease risk in young adults, older women

26-08-2021   |   1091 View(s)

Eating more nutritious, plant-based foods is heart-healthy at any age, according to two research studies published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open-access journal of the American Heart Association. In two separate studies analyzing different measures of healthy plant food consumption, researchers found that both young adults and postmenopausal women had fewer heart attacks and were less likely to develop the cardiovasc. Read more...

Diabetes, cardiac problems top chronic ailments in city

22-01-2021   |   1391 View(s)

Just 2.6% of Delhiites suffer from chronic illnesses, while a third of this population suffers from diabetes, followed by hypertension, cardiac diseases and respiratory ailments. This was revealed by the socio-economic survey carried out by Delhi government, which covered over one crore people. The survey conducted by 6,000 field workers covering more than 20 lakh households also revealed that 72.8% Delhiites got medical treatment from governm. Read more...

Covid-19 Vaccination May Start in January

17-12-2020   |   1858 View(s)

Serum Institute of India (SII) CEO Adar Poonawalla said the Covid-19 vaccination drive was likely to begin in India by January as his firm — which is testing and manufacturing the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine candidate — was expecting to get emergency-use authorisation by month-end."Once 20% of India gets the coronavirus vaccine, we can hopefully see the confidence and sentiments coming back," Adar Poonawalla said. Speaking at The Economic T. Read more...