Want to Gain Muscle? Try These Foods for Muscle Growth!

Want to Gain Muscle? Try These Foods for Muscle Growth!

22-09-2017   |   Posted By: Chhavi   |   9003 View(s)

When you are trying to gain muscle mass, it is important that your body gets proper nourishment. Many times, we start putting too much trust on the supplements, that we completely forget that there are other sources too which can help us build muscle. I am talking about foods for muscle growth! It is important to eat a healthy diet to gain muscle mass naturally.

If you want to build muscle and lose fat, then you need to add a variety of proteins, fruits, veggies, carbs and healthy fats to your diet. If you work out, then by now, you must have understood the importance of protein in muscle building and fat loss. Likewise, fruits and vegetables have their own share of advantages when it comes to muscle building. Vegetables and fruits contain minerals and vitamins which help in the recovery from your workouts. On the other hand, carbs give a kick to your energy so that you can workout like a bodybuilder at the gym.

The bottom line is that you must add certain foods to your diet if you want to gain muscle mass and lose fat. So, today, I am going to share top 10 foods with you that will help you gain muscle and burn fat.

Tips to Gain Muscle

10 Super Foods for Muscle Growth and Fat Loss

1. Eggs

Eggs? Sound, obvious right? Those who hit the gym to build muscle know the importance of eggs in their diet. An egg comes with a lot of things that are needed by a bodybuilder. An egg contains six grams of protein and just 60 calories.

The white portion of an egg contains protein, which is the building block of muscles. Reading all this about eggs must have influenced you, and I know you will add eggs to your diet from now on. But, the benefits of eggs are not over yet! Yes, there’s a lot more to be said about eggs.

The speciality of an egg is that it does not only contain high-quality protein but is also a powerhouse of all nine essential amino acids which are required for muscle building as well as optimal muscle recovery.

Egg White

On the top of that, eggs are loaded with calcium, zinc, iron and vitamins; all of which are helpful in boosting metabolism and turning fat into energy. There are so many benefits of eating eggs for muscle growth, isn’t it?

So, don’t wait and promise yourself that you will eat one or two eggs on a daily basis to gain muscle mass. Also, you won’t get bored from eating eggs as there are so many ways to cook them. You can easily cook eggs in different ways like boiled, scrambles or pouched.

Don’t worry boys and girls! Even if you are not a very good cook, I can assure that you won’t mess up an egg recipe because it is seriously very simple to make.

3. Milk

Do you also hate the smell and taste of milk? I know most of you do! But, milk is one of the best muscle foods. The two high-quality proteins it has, i.e. whey and casein make it a super food for muscle growth. And why is that? Well, because whey protein is broken down into amino acids quickly and gets absorbed into the bloodstream. On the other hand, casein takes time to get digested, which helps in providing a steady supply of protein to the body for a longer period of time.

Apart from that, milk is also a rich source of vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that your body requires to gain muscle mass. Drinking a glass of skim milk after each workout can help keep your body hydrated and nourished. If you seriously hate the taste of milk and cannot stand it, then try drinking chocolate milk post workout as it has essential minerals too and will also satisfy your taste buds.

3. Chicken

Again an obvious food, isn’t it? I know all meat lovers must be pleased right now after reading that chicken is at the top of the list of muscle building foods. Wondering how a chicken is one of the best foods for muscle growth? Well, a 100 gram of chicken breast contains 30 grams of protein and chicken is considered one of the greatest sources of lean protein.

Protein Diet

It is normal to get sore muscles and injuries while you are training hard. The lean protein found in chicken helps in repairing muscle tissue and other cells damaged during hard training. There are so many ways to add chicken breast to your diet: you can have it baked, roasted or grilled. You can also enjoy it in soups and salads. Just add chicken breast to your diet, and I am sure you will see a huge difference in your muscle in just a couple of weeks.

4. Quinoa

Quinoa is rich in protein and low in calories, which makes it one of the best foods for muscle growth. Quinoa contains proteins that are made up of all the nine essential amino acids, which assist in building and repairing of muscles.

Also, it is rich in fibre, calcium, vitamin E, riboflavin, potassium, magnesium, beta-carotene and folic acid which encourages muscle mass and also reduces fat mass. What’s more; it is even cholesterol free and gluten free. So, you must add this muscle building food to your diet and gain muscle in no time.

Quinoa is easy to cook and is delicious too. You can include it in your salads and soups, or you can even cook it with green veggies and meat. It is best to eat quinoa post-workout to build muscle.

5. Almonds

Almonds are another great bodybuilding foods as they are packed with protein. You will be amazed to know that just ¼ cup of almonds contains about 8 grammes of protein. Also, the fibre, vitamin E and protein present in almonds are beneficial for your muscles. Furthermore, almonds are loaded with antioxidants that help in fighting free radicals and help you recover quickly from your workouts.


Also, they contain manganese and copper which are natural energy-boosters. Eating almonds on a daily basis can also help you burn fat and lower the risk of heart disease and cholesterol. So, what are you waiting for? Start eating almonds from today onwards.

You may eat one or two servings of almonds per day, but it is best if you eat soaked and dry roasted almonds. Avoid eating fried almonds and also do not eat almonds excessively as they are high in calories.

6. Spinach

Have you ever watched that cartoon-‘ Popeye, the Sailor Man?’ I know most of you must have watched this cartoon at least once in your life. In the cartoon, it is shown that Popeye gets his energy from eating spinach. And there is no doubt that spinach indeed is a great bodybuilding food. Studies show that spinach contains phytoecdysteroids which help in increasing muscle growth up to 20 percent.

I know spinach is not the favourite vegetable of many people; but if you want to build muscle, you should add this vegetable to your diet as it helps in building strong, ripped muscle. The calcium in spinach ease muscle pain and its iron content is necessary for muscle building.

Furthermore, it is also loaded with I-glutamine and amino acids that are beneficial for muscle contractions. The benefits of spinach are not over yet! It also boosts your metabolism, energy level and burns fat.

So, even if you do not like the taste of spinach, I guess all these benefits of spinach will make you think otherwise. Do add a bowl of cooked spinach to your diet and build muscle in no time. You can also have raw spinach salad or juice to maximise its nutritional value.

7. Flaxseeds

If you really wish to build muscle, then I must tell you that your wish can come true if you add flaxseeds to your diet. They contain many nutrients which help in fat loss and building muscle. When you are trying to gain muscle mass, it is important to prevent and reduce inflammation and flaxseeds help in doing the same.

They are a healthy source of omega-3 essential fatty acids, which assist in reducing inflammation. Plus, they are an excellent source of fibre which helps in boosting energy and increasing stamina. Not just that, they also contain a source of complete protein, containing all essential amino acids that are required by your body to remain healthy and fit.

If you want to use flaxseeds for building muscle, then there is an easy way to do that. Just take some flaxseeds and grind them to make them into a powdered form. Now, take the grind flaxseeds with milk or yoghurt before going to bed. You can also add flaxseeds to your salads, soups, smoothies, cereals and protein shakes.

8. Sweet Potato

This is one of the best foods for muscle growth. Sweet potatoes are high in fibre, potassium and vitamin which makes them one of the top foods for muscle growth. They are loaded with complex carbohydrates that restore your glycogen stores after a heavy workout. So, you can take sweet potatoes as a post-workout snack.

Furthermore, they are also rich in vitamins B6, C, E, D, iron, copper, magnesium, carotenoids and quercetin that are required by the body to function properly. The high fibre content in sweet potatoes helps in suppressing appetite, burn fat and also improves digestion.

Sweet potatoes for diabetics

The bottom line is that they are a great food to gain muscle mass and so you should eat roasted or grilled sweet potatoes after an intense workout on a regular basis.

9. Green Tea

Green tea is a natural diuretic and is packed with antioxidants too. It speeds up fat loss and also improves blood circulation. So, replace your morning milk tea with green tea to get a muscular body. Drinking a cup of green tea will not just help you gain muscle mass, but will also keep many health diseases at bay.

Benefits of Drinking Green Tea

10. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a great source of carbohydrates as it has low glycemic index (GI) value and is minimally processed. Oatmeal is loaded with nutrients and fibre which helps in decreasing hunger cravings, increases satiety and promotes fat loss. Oatmeal is one of the healthiest foods for muscle growth. So, eat a bowl of oatmeal on a daily basis to get a healthy and fit body.

So, these are the top 10 foods for muscle growth. Along with these foods, drink plenty of water throughout the day as drinking water prevents dehydration and also helps muscle recovery. If you keep your muscles hydrated, it will increase your strength, boost your energy and improve digestion too.

‘Workout. Eat Well. Be patient. Your Body Will reward you.’

Advance Health Checkup

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