Avoid Skin and Hair Damage

Tips to Play Holi without Damaging Your Skin or Hair!

07-03-2023   |  

Amongst the most fantastic and fun-filled festivals of India Holi surely plays a significant role. This festival is all about colours, revelry and filling our lives with more happiness and more liveliness. So, if you have never participated in playing with the colours on the day of Holi, do give yourself an opportunity to enjoy its frolic this year. [google_add] The festival of colours is here, and people are ready with colours and ghujiyas to . Read more...

Body Waxing

The Pros and Cons of Body Waxing

09-06-2022   |  

Body Waxing is a technique of removing unwanted hairs temporarily. It removes hair directly from the root. The warm wax penetrates into the follicles and helps in pulling out the hair. This technique is suitable for removing hair from all hairy surfaces. Waxing is the long-lasting method of hair removals. As in this method, the hair is removed entirely; the skin is felt remarkably smoother than after shaving or applying chemical solutions. [goog. Read more...

What Causes Hair Fall?

Why is Your Hair Falling Out in Clumps And How To Prevent It?

06-04-2018   |  

Whenever we experience hair loss problem, we start blaming our shampoos, hair care products or diet. However, there can be many reasons why you are losing hair. Do you want to know why is your hair falling out in clumps? Today, we are going to share with you ten major causes of hair loss. [google_add] Why Is Your Hair Falling Out In Clumps? 10 Reasons To Know 1. Stress Stress is a major cause of . Read more...

Beauty Benefits of Tomatoes

Did you Know these Amazing Beauty Benefits of Tomatoes ?

13-02-2018   |  

Tomato though widely believed to be a vegetable is actually a Fruit and we all get tempted by its redness and pleasing appearance at the very first glance-It is kind of Love at First Sight. A lot of people love to have it raw or as a Dish in the meal and some opt to go in for tomatoes as part of the Salad but how many of us are actually aware of the fact that tomatoes can work wonders for our Skin!Surprised? Yes, you heard it Right! Tomatoes are . Read more...

9 Shower Tricks for Healthy Hair

9 Shower Tricks for Healthy Hair

10-02-2018   |  

Shampooing hair is a difficult job, especially for those who have a long mane. And do you always have a bad hair day when you wash them up? Do they form knots? If yes, then you should know that it is because you do not follow the shampoo rules. Just by following simple rules you can have a fantastic hair. If you always get messy and unmanageable hair, this post is all that you need. Keep reading to know about some Shower Tricks for Healthy Hair. . Read more...

Hair Fall

This Tip Stopped My Hair Fall in just 7 Days!

18-01-2018   |  

Who doesn’t get scared at the thought of going bald? Everybody does! And to see hair falling out in clumps is no less than seeing a horrifying dream. As soon as people see their scalp going bald, the only thing that comes to their mind to get rid of the problem is anti-hair fall shampoos. Yeah, sure these shampoos do work! But, are they enough to stop hair fall? No, they aren’t! While these shampoos claim to do wonders for hair, there are man. Read more...

tip to get rid of upper lip hair

Try This Tip to Get Rid of Upper Lip Hair Permanently

11-01-2018   |  

Tired of going to salons for getting upper lip done? Well, we have some amazing tips for you that can help you get rid of upper lip permanently. Shocked, right? Well, I am not kidding at all! Now, you can say goodbye to all the hair removal creams and wax strips because we have some incredible tips for you that will make your upper lip hair go away in no time and that too permanently. So, let us begin! [google_add] Tips to Get Rid o. Read more...

Hair Fall

How to Grow Hair Faster Naturally?

06-01-2018   |  

If having beautiful, long hair is your dream, then you have come to a magical land where you will get to know all the amazing ways to make your hair grow faster! You may blame pollution, dust, environmental changes or anything, but, you cannot deny the fact that it’s your lifestyle habits that are the reason why your hair is not growing faster. We play so many blame games, don’t we? However, the solution to how to grow long hair lies solely i. Read more...